Okay, so another chapter. Remember, after you read, please, PLEASE vote!!! What is this, a shop that you go into and decide to not buy anything? No! I understand if my story sucks, but atleast, just give me a little bit, just a tiny bit of support. Maybe that will help me grow and become better. Oh and here's another thing. When you go to a good restaurant, you buy delicious food and you say, "Wow! It tasted so good!", right? It goes the same for this story. I want you to give me honest and positive comments. Please.

That is all. Thank you.


"More injured people!" Yelled a nurse. Rin sighed and turned to Sakura. "We can't do this on our own," she whispered. "Then what do we do?" Sakura asked. Rin grinned.

"Kage bunshin no jutsu! (Shadow Clone Jutsu!)"

7 clones of Rin appeared and scattered out.

"Sakura-chan, i'll go to that patient!"

"Okay, i'll go over here!"

Both of them each went on their ways, the sounds of people groaning in pain getting louder and louder each second that passed by.

Quickly, she placed her palms on the bleeding arm of a groaning patient. "Hm, you need stitches. I'll try to get the pain away for now," she told the patient.

Hours passed, and more injured people were needed to be taken care of. Almost everyone one of the doctor were passed out from their use of chakra. Rin, was still going. She was tired, but not that much. Well, she was the jinchuriki of the 3 tails.


She turned around and stared at the ninja. "I'M GONNA NEED YOU TO STAY DOWN!"

Rin scoffed, which caught the attention of the ninja. He went closer to her and carressed his hand on her soft face. "You're cute," he whispered. "Maybe I could take you back to base, you'll be good use there-" Rin cut him off and kicked his crotch, making him fall down. "Y-you'll pay!"

The ninja stood up and threw a shuriken towards her face, but she managed to catch it with her index finger and middle finger. "Weak," she said and turned to the terrified patients. "Don't be afraid. I'll take him down,"

The ninja threw a kunai towards her again, and two shurikens at the same time. She bit the blade of the kunai and catched the shurikens like how she did. She threw them onto the floor and scratched the purple stripe on her left cheek. "Lame," she muttered.

The ninja grunted. "Fire style-"

"CHIDORI!" She threw her hands on on his heart at such a fast speed that happened within a blink of an eye. She pulled out her hand from his chest with blood on it.

"I'm a kunoichi, you know,"

The Perv and The Sweetheart (KakaRin)Where stories live. Discover now