Chapter 2

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The memory went away, the golden bear was up over me and breathing on me. I screamed, Freddy ran in, I pointed to the golden bear. But he was gone so I pointed to the golden bunny. But an endoskeleton took its place instead. Freddy came over and hugged me. Chica and Bonnie came in and everyone asked what happened. Freddy walked out and Chica and Bonnie followed. I heard Freddy say "Golden Freddy", I guessed that's what the golden bear's name was. Freddy said another name, but I didn't hear it.

Freddy came in with Bonnie behind him. I asked quietly, "B-Bonnie can you stay with m-me?" I finally asked, kind of blushing. Freddy looked at Bonnie for an answer. He nodded his head and went in. I looked to see if he had his guitar, I looked down in disappointment. Bonnie saw I was expecting to see his guitar and went back to get it.

A hallucination came and I hear a little girl laugh and saw the golden bear. Bonnie came back with his guitar and I didn't know that I was crying, Bonnie came and hugged me. I hugged him back rubbing my tears away. Once I stopped crying Bonnie got his guitar and started playing one of the songs he plays over and over. I felt bad for them, playing the same songs over and over again for so many years. I fell asleep to my favorite song. I woke up and it was dark, but there was a light coming from behind a door. The basement. I guessed, I was a little curious but scared. I decided to investigate. I walked down the cold concrete stairs and I saw the golden bunny leaned against the wall. I went to touch it but someone grabbed my wrist. I screamed a little, but stopped when I saw it was Freddy. Freddy asked, "What are you doing down here?" I replied quietly, "I was seeing what was down here," I pointed to the golden bunny, "Who's that?"

"No one you need to know."

We walked back up to the room where I sleep. Chica came into the room and asked Freddy if she could show me around. Freddy told her that she can't go to the "off limits" and the office. I looked confused about the "off limits", so I asked about it. Chica answered but didn't look at me. She said, "Sorry, sugar cube, but that's secret. We can't visit there." I asked if it was pirate's cove. She didn't answer, she just kept walking. I decided not to talk about it.

We first went to the backstage, and saw Bonnie tuning his guitar. And Freddy was nowhere in the backstage. I sat at the edge of the stage and saw Freddy talking to Foxy. Chica came back with a pizza and asked if I wanted any, I shook my head and she shrugged her shoulders and ate a slice. I looked out on the empty party room and started to wonder why it felt so abandoned. Foxy was in his cove, playing with a plush character I've never seen before. It was like Foxy but white and with some pink. I always wanted a plush, but I was never good at the games that they had. I asked Freddy if I could have one but he said no, I guessed it was in his system that if you didn't win you can't get a prize. I mean they are animatronics. So I walked to Foxy's cove, he looked at me and then looked away quickly, like I was about to hit him. I looked at his hook, and saw the plush. He hid the plush behind him and looked at me waiting to explain why I was here. I felt the scar on my head and looked down. Foxy spoke sadly, "I-I'm sorry matey, I don't know what happened." He sounded like he was going to cry. I replied, "It's okay, it wasn't your fault, I broke the rules... and got my punishment."

Foxy got up and put his hand on my shoulder, "It was my fault, my job is to keep my mateys' safe, but I couldn't even do that with my first mate." I hugged him with tears in my eyes and told him that I will always forgive him. He looked surprised, not knowing what to do, or he didn't want to hurt me with his hook. Freddy ran in and hit Foxy in the head. Chica was behind him, she ran in and grabbed me, "We got to go sugarcube." She said as she ran to the place where I sleep. "Wait, no, don't, he didn't do anything!" I yelled, Chica blocked the door and looked at me. I heard Freddy yelling at Foxy asking what he was doing and that he knew better. I had tears in my eyes and pushed Chica away while also trying to push the door open, Bonnie opened the door and I fell in front of him. He looked at me and noticed the tears running down my cheeks. "Are you okay?" Bonnie asked. I crawled under him and tried ran to Foxy, but Bonnie grabbed me. I was screaming and swinging my body. Bonnie lost grip and I fell onto my hands and knees. I got up as fast as I could and ran. I jumped into pirate's cove and blocked Foxy just before Freddy could hit him again. Freddy's eyes were black with glowing white pupils. His microphone was raised in the air, about to hit Foxy. I screamed, "STOP!" Freddy's eyes' went back to his blue eyes', and lowered his mic. I turned around and looked at Foxy, there was a big, gaping hole on his chest, showing his wiring. I lightly touched it and Foxy flitched. "Shhh, it's okay, I won't hurt you." I said calming Foxy down. Foxy swung his hook and I ducked just before it hit me. I looked at him in surprise, he looked like he was holding something back. "Run matey, NOW!" I was scared and didn't want to move. Freddy grabbed me and gave me to Bonnie. Freddy turned around and held Foxy in the air by his hands. I was scared and was crying. We finally got to the room and I was breathing heavily, I barely made out "Wha-...what's going on w-with him?"

Chica and Bonnie looked at each other. Chica spoke, "Sorry kid, that's something even we don't know." her voice sounded shaken. Bonnie was calming himself down then went to help Chica do the same. I wanted to know, but was too shaky to even get up. A big bang on the door startled me. The metal door was dented.

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