Chapter 1

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Jen's POV

Oblivious to everything around me, I sat there dreamily, splashing my coffee around the cup with a 'silver' spoon that really had seen better days. I couldn't really couldn't care about what was happening in the small café I spent most of my afternoons in. My thoughts drifted of to the touchy subject of my ex, Zac, curious to how him and his new tramp of a girlfriend were doing, not that I hoped they were doing well or anything like that, just curious. Zac and I had been dating for four and a half years, and during that time, we often spoke about our future and our life together, only for me to find out that he had been seeing some girl he had met on a business trip while we were still dating. I had kicked him out before he had any time to make up some lame ass excuse for his inexcusable actions. It took me months to get over him, to stop myself from crying myself to sleep at night. Everything seemed to remind me of him which, in the long run, made trying to get over him even more difficult. I stopped myself. I wasn't going to think about him. Not today. I wasn't going to cry over spilt milk, like my mother would always say.

I scanned the room for something that looked interesting enough for me to pretend to stare at whilst I temporarily cut myself off from the world, taken astray by my thoughts. My eyes drifted across the cream walls that were decorated accordingly with coffee stains. How anyone manages to get coffee stains on the ceiling really was beyond me. And then I saw him.

He was sitting a few tables away by himself, on an old wooden chair that he shifted in uncomfortably with the sunlight from the window behind him falling onto the back of his black leather jacket. His back was hunched and his long elegant legs stretched out beneath the table over as he stared into the empty space to the left of me, his eyes open but unseeing. His brow dipped as if he was unhappy with something that had crossed his mind, as if whatever he was thinking about ailed his mind greatly. His red lips pursed and his blue eyes still with his eye lids fluttering over them majestically. His golden brown hair hung carelessly on his forehead. I stared at my new discovery, in awe at this strangers utter perfection. This wasn't something I usually do at all. In public places, I tend to keep more to myself and stay out of peoples way and I certainly didn't openly stare at people. It makes me uncomfortable when random folk gawk at me so I try not to make other people feel the same by doing it to other people. The beautiful stranger looked oddly familiar though but I couldn't quite put my finger on where I would know him from. His sky blue eyes shifted, catching mine and he held my gaze. His brow lifted and he smiled at me. His whole face appeared to light up standing out against the drab background of the coffee shop. I smiled back, rather embarrassed that he had caught me staring at him. I had seen a lot of beautiful me in my time but this man... He was completely something different all together.

Tom's POV

Blinded by my thoughts, I stared carelessly at the floor of the coffee house. I had just been told about a sequel movie to 'Thor' and I had been asked to play the part of Loki, Thor's adopted younger brother, again. I had the choice between that and some sappy French romance. I enjoyed playing Loki, it brought a whole never level to the word menacing to me. I would phone my agent tomorrow and tell him I will play Loki instead of playing in the French romance.

I could feel eyes on me, staring at me. I sighed. I mean, oh of course I would get some attention in such a public place because everyone seemed to know who I was these days; Tom Hiddleston. I was often swarmed by over enthusiastic fan girls, cooing over me and asking me to sigh t-shirts, pictures and undignified body parts. I shifted my eyes in an attempt to catch sight of who was burrowing their eyes into me, expecting some teenage girl drooling or something. But the girl staring at me from the other side of the coffee house stayed calm. Had she realised who I was? Maybe she hadn't, I should be so lucky. I smiled at her and she smiled back, I'm assuming she returned the favour out of common courtesy. I watched her, her eyes were fixed on me, not breaking her gaze away. She was truly beautiful. I let myself get lost in her brown eyes with great ease. She had long curly auburn hair that looked that it sat just below her shoulder blades. Some loose strands of hair curled around her heart shaped face, her skin pale with soft rosy pink cheeks. I had worked with a lot of beautiful woman in my time but this girl was nothing in comparison, those girls could not hold a candle to this girl. I stood up, still smiling, and made my way across the floor to the girl.

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