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Jasminee ^^

Jasminee's POV

"Jasminee wake your dumb ass up" My stepfather yelled while bursting through my room door.

I jumped awake and looked at the time it's 5:00 in the morning.

I looked at him and I could tell that he was  drunk and high I already knew what I did wrong as he walked up to me and slapped me.

"what the fuck was you doing that you forgot to wash the dishes" he yelled in my face when I didn't answer.

"Answer me you fucking dumbass" he yelled

"I-I was doing my homework," I said then he started laughing.

"You worthless piece of shit I don't know why you try your not gonna succeed in life your gonna be a failure just like your father," he said.

I felt like choking him but I knew I would've lost that fight.

I hated when he mentioned my father who died the day of my fourth birthday.

"Wash the damn dishes before I beat your ass," he said. I waited till he went into his room.

This happens almost every night I'm used to it he's been with my mom for  12 years and he's been beating me for 10 years.

I walk downstairs into the kitchen and wash the 3 dishes in the sink.

I look at the time and it's 5:45 I sigh and get ready for school being the real quiet I showered and got dressed.

I looked at my reflection and saw that his handprint was still there.

"heavy-handed motherfucker," I said low to myself.

I applied enough makeup to cover up the mark.

This the only time I would wear makeup when he hits me in my face.

I packed my stuff for school and quietly went down the steps. I walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus.

I got on and went straight to the back the bus started to get packed so I started tuning everyone out and started to think about this morning.

My mom ha she to blinded by "love" to even notice.

I just think she's too afraid to be alone she works all night and comes home after I leave for school and goes back to work before I get back I think it's to avoid me.

I always tried to tell her but she still doesn't believe she believes him.

She doesn't love me she loves him.


Ok so this is my first book ever and my first time writing on Wattpad I hope y'all enjoy

Thank you for reading this and also please vote

The chapters will get longer ☺️

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