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Jasminee's POV

"This is all happening too fast I don't want to be played and I want to sort out my feelings I'm falling too quickly and he's probably just being nice and pitiful for all I know",I rant to Zahavia

"Honestly if it feels right in the moment go for it, but if you think you guys are moving too fast then tell him that,it seems like he's pretty serious about you though"

"Yea but that's the thing I don't even know him that well I don't even know where he's from nor do I know about his dreams or goals in life",I said sighing

"Well get to know him more Jas",Zahavia said in a duh tone while give me a look to match

I sighed, she was right even though I think we are moving too fast, living with him is the best thing right now just until I get on my feet that shouldn't be so hard I got this at least I hope I do

Alexandra's POV

"My name is Alexandra, and I'm a transfer from Frost High",I said looking around the classroom with a slight smile

"Ah beautiful uhm well Alexandra you can have any empty seat",Ms.Perez said with a warm smile

I quickly scanned the class there were a few empty tables and a lot of tables with one person sitting at them I walked to the farthest empty table in the back and sat down taking out a notebook and pencil

A couple minutes into the lesson I couldn't focus on what Ms.Perez was teaching I was having flashbacks of what happened yesterday after Dro and Jasminee went to bed last night I spent most of the night in the shower crying trying to wash him off of me 

Why did this always have to happen to me?
Why'd it have to be dad?
Why'd he get this far?
And mostly what would of happened if Ale didn't come when he did?

I'm brought out of my thoughts by the bell ringing I got up and packed my notebook and made my way towards my second period I sighed realizing that I was lost.  

  "This big ass school",I mumbled looking at my schedule

"Need any help",I heard someone ask behind me

"Uhm yea I honestly don't know where the hell i'm supposed to go right now",I said staring at my schedule as if it was written in gibberish

"Oh you have Mr.Scott, I got chu come on",I heard the voice say walking ahead of me

I looked up confused and surprised,  it was a kid from my first period I stop staring and caught up to him

"I'm Alexa-",

"Alexandra I know",he said chuckling

Right I introduced myself to the class, I remember mentally kicking myself in the ass

"I'm Xzavier",He said turning into a class room as the bell rings

"Ahh a new student",I hear a man say

"Please introduce yourself"

Here we go again
After I introduced myself, I looked around the only seats that were available were a table in the front of the class, or the table the boy was sitting at in the back I sighed and walked towards the back

"Can I sit here",I asked looking at him he nodded his head while glancing at the seat I sat down, I took out what I needed

I stared at the problem sheet the teacher passed out, the work was easy but I still couldn't focus

Is it my fault he died?
Was it my fault he did what he did to me?
Am I even sup-

I felt someone nudge me I looked over and it was the him Xzavier

"You good?",He asked looking at me

"Im fine",I said finishing my work

"Yeah aight",I heard him say putting his head down

What's his problem? I thought to myself rolling my eyes slightly

Gotta be more careful Alex

I need to learn how to conceal my emotions and I need to learn how to block things out I think to myself sighing

What's done is done

Dro's POV

"You told Jasminee about your moms?And you got Alex back?",Rocky asked kinda shocked cause I've never really let anyone in this quickly

I nodded finishing up my work

"Aye I'm sorry about what happened to her tho I kno-"

"Yea me too",I said cutting him off looking at him

  "I'm just sorry that I couldn't get to her sooner, and I'm sorry that I took so long to go back her",I said looking up at the ceiling sighing

"Yo stop beating yourself up that shit isn't your fault, you couldn't have known that was gonna happen to her man",Rocky said looking at me

"The world is a cold, fucked up place",I said sighing and the events from yesterday racing through my mind

Was this all my fault?


Ok guys soooo I'm finally back hopefully I don't have to put this book back on hold again but I can't promise you guys anything but yoooo We've gotten to 1k reads I love everyone who has read my book thank you for sticking with me and for you newcomers heyyy

(Xzavier is in the MM section!!)

This was just a filler chapter so that I could get my spark and fire back and also my excitement and love for the book cause let me tell you school's just not it at all.Alright im done with the ranting.Time to write the next chapter

I love and appreciate y'all 💕

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