Chapter Twenty-Four

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Louis' pov

A moment of silence fell upon the two of us, I sunk down onto the bed and put my head in my hands, I've really fucked up.

'Perrie i-' I started to say, standing up to show that I wasn't scared of the consequences, for her sake, she made no eye contact and just shook her head, cradling her huge baby bump and rubbing it cautiously.

'Don't say anything, I just wanted you to know Louis, now I have to tell Taylor, she deserves to know.' She told me softly, sadness riddled in her eyes and after a moments pause for she left the room to find Tay who was sitting on the sofa, minding her own business as she nodded along with whatever Gracie was saying.

'Taylor I need to talk to you.' Perrie sighed, Taylor looked around the room, everyone seemed to be moving in slow motion to reflect on the mood, her eyes widened and the colour washed from her face as she saw Perrie's face was dead serious.

'No, don't do this.' I pleaded with her, pulling her wrist.

'Louis, it won't matter, I can explain it right.'Perrie told me pushing Taylor into the bathroom and locking the door from the inside despite my attempts to get her not to, after they'd locked the door I lost all hearing of what they were saying, fuck me.

Taylor's pov

'What's going on?' I asked Perrie with a sigh as I sat on the toilet.

'You know I'm pregnant?' She asked me and I nodded, my jaw clenched and hands shaking with fright.

'Its twins a-and, they're not exactly, z-zayns.' She was shaking more than I was now and I have to tell you, she was freaking me out, her knees buckled under her and I shot off the toilet and helped her back up and gave her my seat to sit in.

'They're Louis' kids Taylor, there was a night nine months ago before we got married, I was drunk, he was stupid, I don't want you to get upset though babe I mean, look at you, Louis adores you, he can't lose you over this.' I smiled weakly in return but looked at her stand up.

'Perrie, there's no way he could lose me, I tried to kill myself and he stayed with me, I'm not prepared to end it with him over something that happened almost a year ago that he didn't even know about, but thank you for being so honest with me perrie, it means a lot.' I told her with a smile before walking to the door and swinging it open, Louis was standing there with a worried look on his face, to make it better for him, I jumped into his arms kissing him over and over again as his hands sat under my thighs to keep me off the ground.

'She took it really well.' Perrie muttered.

Zayn's pov

The two girls walked out of the bathroom and I had to watch them twice because it looked to me as if there'd been a lesbian moment.

Perries face was grey and she looked as weak as fuck.

'Babe? Are you okay?' I asked, concern flashed in my face and she sat down.

'I need to talk to you. You should sit.' She told me without making eye contact, at this moment everything I've ever done wrong came back into being and the room started spinning.

'The twins, they aren't yours.' With the words she spoke my heart exploded into a million tiny pieces.

'What do you mean?' I asked, a certain growl in my whisper.

'Remember when we were on a break?' She whispered, cowering away from me, I grabbed her wrists and made her look at me.

'Perrie who was it?' I breathed out.

'Louis. But don't freak out Zayn please, he's your best friend.' She jumped in to defend him, anger bubbled inside of me, I tried to contain it but it was much like shaking a can of coke and then opening it, you can't put everything that leaked out back in.

'Don't you dare stand up for him.' I growled.

'No Zayn don't.' She pleaded but it was too late, I stormed over to him, he was all over Taylor so I dragged them apart and slammed Louis into a wall.

'What the fuck are you playing at?' He asked me, I hadn't hurt him yet but I was surprised I wasn't frothing at the mouth, his eyes were wide and I knew he was scared but I didn't care.

'You got her pregnant didn't you, you bastard.' I shouted, the anger was easily able to get the better of me and I hit him square in the face, Taylor and Perrie at the moment had gone to find Liam or Harry to pull him off but it wasn't working, I wasn't going to get off him, I'm going to give him everything he deserves, he's so lucky I don't have a gun.

Louis was trying to deflect my punches but my fist remained strong, Louis used his knee to extend it up and strike me in the abdomen. I doubled over and hit him again, blood was pissing out of his nose and now his mouth, I smiled with satisfaction as I was dragged away from him by Liam who pushed me into a wall.

'What are you doing?' Liam snapped.

'The twins are his.' I accused throwing my hand forward and pointing at him spitefully.

As I was still not calming down, Taylor was with Louis and Perrie with Niall, Taylor was cleaning up Louis' nose and he winced in pain, something inside of me felt pleased with myself for causing him this and yet it didn't feel good enough.

I pushed Liam off and walked into the kitchen where I leant against the side and tried to calm down.

'How long were you together?' I asked in a subtle tone.

'Just that one night.' Perrie stated quickly, she was trying so hard not to get Louis into anymore trouble but I was ready to accuse him of everything.

'So you used her, you used her like a barbie doll and sent her back when she was of no more use to you, fucking prick.' I shouted, sliding the knives and chopping board odd the side, they landed with an alarming crash on the tiled floor.

'Zayn, calm down.' Harry told me.

'Calm down, don't tell me to calm down, why would you even think this was okay in any way?' I shouted looking between the both of them.

'She said you were on a break.' Louis yelled back in return, moving closer to the kitchen.

'For fucks sake, was it because of that argument we had?' I asked Perrie, she nodded.

'What? I don't understand why it was a big deal, it was only one joint.' I said in a state of shock.

'But that's not the point, you pressured Niall into it too.' Perrie told everyone, nobody knew about this and so it came as quite a shock to Gray and the other boys.

'Shut up.' I yelled back, my tone harsh like the poison of a snake, I grabbed a vase off the kitchen side, Perrie was shouting at me now but it didn't stop me from launching the vase across the room, it shattered against the wall as I missed Louis' face, some of the china fell and slashed the skin on Perries face.

Harry stood defensively in front of her and Liam took it upon himself to drag me out of the kitchen and into the bathroom, he shut the door and wedged a chair under the handle, I started to pummel on the door with my fists to get out but Liam remained surprisingly calm throughout the whole thing.

'Anything you break, you pay for.' He demanded, I sighed and sat down on the toilet.

Gracie's pov

Niall did drugs? But he's so innocent, my head by this point was spinning, so much happened in the space of half an hour I couldn't process it, Taylor and me were huddled in a corner, Katrina hanging around us, and London? Where had she gone, I hadn't seen her since...she's run.

'Niall?' I squeaked.

'Yes babe?' He looked at me as Harry assisted to Perrie's eye.

'Londons gone.' I whispered, Liam must have heard me because he ran out of the door and down the street.

Taylor was making sure Louis was okay but Perrie and Taylor were shaking.

'Its going to be okay, Zayn will calm down.' Perrie mumbled to herself as she sat down on the sofa, we could hear Zayn calling us through the bathroom door saying how he was prepared to calm down but we ignored him, he'd ruined everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2014 ⏰

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