01 ☆ beautiful nightmare

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o. death becomes her

01; beautiful nightmare

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01; beautiful nightmare



The summer rain was warm against her skin, but she was cold. Too cold.

The blood that seeped through her shirt felt like it was burning Sweet Pea's hand as he tried to put pressure on her wound. Her labored breathing accompanied the sound of the rain splattering against the asphalt. This wasn't meant to happen, he thought. She was never meant to get hurt.

Jade, she couldn't help but laugh, although it was a pathetic noise. It was weak and breathy, but she still continued. She was crying through her laughter but her tears were washed away by the rain. She didn't know if it was Sweet Pea's tears or droplets of rain that were splashing onto her chest.

Her smile slipped away as the pain began to dissipate. That wasn't a good sign. Her hand reached up and clutched at the leather of Sweet Pea's jacket, squeezing with all her strength.

"I love you." Her words were stifled, her throat aching. It was bruised and slightly crushed, but she needed to tell him - before it was too late. "I always will."

His sniffles made pain blossom in her chest. "Don't say it like you're saying goodbye, Jade. You're gonna be fine."

She was cold. So cold.


Jade shot up in bed with a loud gasp, holding her hand against her abdomen. Her heart was pounding against her chest, like it wanted to burst out and fall into her lap in a bloody mess. Sweat trickled down her face and dripped down onto the comforter below. Her chest was tight and she was struggling to breathe, gripping the comforter tightly with her other hand. She needed to remember where she was; in bed with her boyfriend. Safe.

The presence of a hand enveloping her clenched fist made her jump and she whipped her head to the side, eyes focusing on the worried face of Sweet Pea. His brows were knitted and his lips pulled into a frown; Jade's frantic thoughts momentarily stopped to think about how cute he looked with his face scrunched up in concern.

"Babe." His voice was soft and confused; a stark contrast to the tone he would use when he wasn't with her. He pushed himself up so he could level his face with hers and moved his other hand to cup her neck. "What's wrong?"

She swallowed, slowly unclenching her fist to wrap her fingers around Sweet Pea's larger hand. Shaking her head, a breathy chuckle escaped her lips. "Just a bad dream. Nothing to worry your pretty head about."

Sweet Pea rolled his eyes and squeezed her small hand. "I'll always worry about you. What happened?"

Jade sighed, looking down at the mattress and then back up to his concerned gaze. "You died. Some stupid guy in a black mask stabbed you in the chest." Tears began to leak from her eyes and she sniffled wetly. "You died in my arms, Pea. In the middle of the street and I couldn't get any help and you just died."

His arms enveloped her in a tight hug and she buried her face into his warm shoulder, teardrops dampening his soft skin. "I'm here, baby, and I'm not going anywhere. I'm always gonna be here, with you, right where I should be."

"You were dead." She sobbed, clutching tightly at his back to reassure herself that this was real and he was with her. "Dead. Gone. It was horrible."

He pulled back, resting his rough hands on her cheeks and wiping away her tears. He planted a kiss on her sweaty forehead. "Jade, I'm alive. Heart beating, blood circulating, words coming out of my mouth." He grabbed one of her hands, placing it on his chest. She could feel the throbbing of his heart underneath his skin, a steady rhythm assuring her that he was alive. "See?"

Jade laughed sadly, reveling in the warmth that was present against her hand. "Circulating. Such a big word from you."

Sweet Pea scoffed in offense, although his mouth was stretching into a smile. "There's my girl. Mean and insulting me like always."

It was Jade's turn to scoff as she pushed against his chest, a more happy laugh slipping from her lips. "I'm not mean. You're the mean one. Always teasing me about my height."

"Babe, you're small. I'm huge. I will always tease you about your height." He chuckled, pressing a kiss against her bare shoulder. He was still holding one of her hands, although they were both getting rather sweaty in the warm embrace.

Jade pursed her lips and rolled her eyes at him. "I happen to be of average height, thank you very much." Being 5'6 put her at least 4 inches above Toni, but 3 inches shorter than Fangs and 7 inches shorter than Sweet Pea. She was short to the boys but she was pretty tall for a lady.

"Well, you'll always be small to me." He laid back down against the stiff mattress and pulled her with him, resting her head against his chest. "Now, please get some sleep. Bright and early tomorrow and I don't want you to be sleep deprived."

She snickered, pulling the comforter over their figures to keep them warm; she was still sweating but knew the trailer would eventually cool her back down. "Sure, baby. Let's hope I dream of something good this time."

She didn't, but it was a damn better sight than her nightmare.


published: nov 15th 2018

hi this took way too long for me to finish writing!! i changed this twice because i just hate my writing and didn't like how it flowed.

so!! i'm a gal who loves 'good girl falling for bad boy' BUT i love 'bad girl and bad boy' just as much!! and i love established relationships so i had to throw them together.

this story is probably going to be confusing at times because you may not know what is real excerpts from future chapters or what may be something to throw you off and confuse you!! i am going to say that the opener of this chapter MAY happen further on in the story but i haven't actually decided. i just really wanted something heartwrenching to open the story and i hope it was very wrenching of your hearts.

thank you for waiting so patiently for this first chapter and i really hope you enjoyed it and that you enjoy further chapters!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2018 ⏰

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