Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

When Anna was threatening you all of those bad memories came back to you. Last year was the worst year of your life you got bullied by one of your so called best friends and a boy broke your heart all in the same year your so called best friend turned a lot of people against you she called you a hoe, fake and one day you couldn't take all of that any more when you got home you went to you room and "did your homework" you kept crying you grabbed a pin from the wall and started cutting your wrists they didn't bleed but your still had scars from that time.

(You never told Daniel because you were afraid he would hate you and think you were crazy for doing that).

~back to the present~

L: no please don't tell Daniel please

A: idk promise me you will stop dating him

L: fine I promise, I promise but please don't tell him

A: ok fine as long as you keep your promise

A: oh and can you come over today, I need help with my science project

L: yeah ok

~later that day~

You knock on the door and Daniel opens it and you were scared that Anna might tell him so you walk in and Daniel says

D: hey Leslie your not gonna say hi to your boyfriend

L: ummm

Daniel leans in to give you a kiss. But you knew what would happen if Anna saw, so you ran to her room crying because you couldn't take it you shut the door behind you.

A: hey what's wrong

L: nothing

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