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I couldn't stay in that street any longer, so I walked 5 more blocks away from Randy's old street and purposely ended up turning down the street I used to live in.

I scanned the abandoned street, and saw no signs of life. The houses were empty, the street lights were blown, and the street had been marked OFF LIMITS.

I slowly made my way through the street. I pointed out each of the familiar houses. Billy's house...
Jane's house...
... My house.

I found myself standing outside the house of my old home. I took notice of the broken windows, dead lawn, filthy walls, rusted roof, and the cracked paint.

A dark green curtain draped gently outside the window of Liu's old room. The curtain was torn and the colour was faded from being out in the sun.

The wooden front door was hanging by the bottom hinge, the top hinge had come loose. The front porch that was once a shiny polished white marble, was now dirty, cracked, and stained with..., is that blood...?

The wood of the door was splintered and looked like someone had been attacking it with an axe.

I felt a strong attraction towards the house. Almost as if the house was trying to hypnotizing me, telling me to go inside.

I stared at the house in awe, and started off towards the house. I wasn't compelled or anything, in fact, I'd planned to come here right from the beginning. Why do you think I was so determined to get across the road...?

I approached the house carefully, planning for every bad situation that may occur. 

Every step I took was thought through twice, every move I made was doubted and questioned, every noise I heard made my nerves spike, and every minute that passed made my blood pump faster.

I finally made it to the porch. I didn't step up onto the old marble flooring just yet. I instead waited. Observing every detail of this old house.

The floorboards creaked inside the house, along with the walls and ceiling.
The wind that smoothly glided through the cracks in the windows made a haunting ghostly melody that circulated throughout the house.

It was creepy. I must admit. But not creepy enough to frighten me away. Not even in the slightest.

I slowly stepped up onto the porch and peered inside the house. The door was open just enough for me to be able to sneak passed without bumping into it.

Once I'd made it inside, I looked around and examined my surroundings. God, it was so messy in here. I didn't mind it that much..., but it feels kinda weird for your home to be such a mess. Mother's usually make sure it's always clean. 

The air smelt like someone had left a drum of oil without a lid, exposing it to the air inside this house.

It was faint but strong enough for someone to pick up the stench quickly. It was sick.

On my right, next to the front door was the large window that gazed out upon the street. This was where the lounge room was.

The dark brown couches were covered with tarps from the investigation the police had started up 11 years ago. They never took the tarps away. Clearly.

Actually, pretty much all the furniture was covered by tarps. Except the kitchen bench, the fridge, and other.

When you walk through that front door, if you keep walking forward for another 5 meters, you'll reach the kitchen bench.

My parents didn't bother getting a table. They agreed that Liu and I were adults, being 13 (me) and 11 (Liu). Our parents told us that we could sit on the couch when we ate dinner, as long as we didn't zone out or spill food, otherwise we'd have to sit on the floor in front of the couch.

Jeff the Killer {romance}Where stories live. Discover now