Quick Beginning!

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It has been SOOOO... long. I am doing a zombie book because my best friend (NIRM!) actually got me interested. I watched World War Z the other day and I was all like,"Huh." Me being a doofus, am shaking under my blanket, and writing this at 9 at NIGHT!(NOT)

Anyways... The chapters will/can be in 5 perspectives. One chapter = One person narrating the chapter. Soooo... on with the story I guess. OH WAIT, there will be side information including puzzles, riddles, mind tricks, and ranting. Also advice about random things. Great? Okay, FINALLY, on to the story. See you in the next chapter..

P.S. Characters:

Simon (Chinese kid with black, square glasses. Pale complexion. A little chubby.)

Brennan (American kid with a Rolex watch. Pale complexion. Thin and popular. Weird in a good way)

Rishab (Indian kid with green, square glasses. Brown complexion. A little chubby :( )

Samantha (American kid with round glasses. Pale complexion. Thin. Cat obsession.)

Ash (Japanese kid with a Nintendo DS who loves Pokemon)

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