Chapter 1 : Before the Plague

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Diary: Simon

I remember life before the plague. You could have ice cream. I loved strawberry ice cream. I had parents. I had a normal life back then. You would know. I was WAY popular. I mean as popular as you can get in middle school in the 6th grade. Yep, Northwood Middle. Horrible name but still, better than none. My name's Simon and you reader have just discovered a piece before the Plague broke out. Or will. This is just a side note. In my diary, you will find what happened for each of us. Yes, 5 of my friends will write in this diary. Me, Brennan, Samantha, Rishab, and Ash Ketchum. Sorry, pokémon theme there. Just Ash. No Ketchum. Got it? What are you waiting for? Go on! Read the diary! Get to the safe ship! Go to Divergent! Your life depends on it!

Diary : qwerty

Day : 364

You might be wondering who I am, dear diary. I am qwerty, or No Name, shall we say. You just encountered the one man, who created the Plague. You might hate me for obvious reasons. Your parents, your friends, and many more may have died by now. I am in Divergent right now. And I am throwing this book overboard...

Diary : Simon

Day : 1

The first day was the worst day. I have to back it up though. I live in New York. Buffalo, New York. Now, before I tell you what happened, I have to tell you about the backstory. Okay, one day, a scientist found out the "supposed" cure of cancer. He tested it on several patients. What he saw, he was amazed by it. This so called "medicine" let humans ... have powers. Super speed, strength, vision, and more. A human could sense heat and movement. But that had made them unpredictable, causing them to inflict others with themselves. One bite and, BOOM!, you were infected. When tested by animals, only 3 animals reacted to this. Wolfs, sharks, and lions started to twitch and froth at their mouths. Their pupils dilated and their eyes turned red. The scientist announced it to the world as "super medicine" and when the  people bought it, the scientist's minions would always kidnap that person and keep them and others that he/she could have infected. Over a period of time, more than 1,000,000 people were locked up. That same day, a group of those brain dead ... zombies, triggered the mechanism that let them out. Imagine a million zombies pouring out of Atlanta, staggering to the airports and boarding flights, while the pilots battle for their lives. That was exactly what happened. It was, truly, horrible. The planes went to Boston, San Diego, Las Vegas, New York City, San Francisco, Canada, Mexico, and more. Eventually, the continents of Europe, Asia, South America, North America, and Australia were covered with zombies. What happened to be a million turned to 2 billion infected.

My family was frantic. Who wouldn't be? It was a zombie apocalypse. We fled. We went first to Michigan. I had two siblings, a brother and a sister. I lost my sister when a zombie pushed her out of a tower. She didn't turn into a zombie but she did die. After that, we found an abandoned Boeing 787 which had enough gas to fly to Australia where we would refill and head to the only safe haven, Israel(this is what happened in the real World War Z). When we landed in Australia, we lost my mother to a zombie, but we did refill the gas. When we landed in Israel, my dad, my brother, and I, showed our ID cards, and entered the gates. Israel was the only country that took the warning from India seriously. Well, that was what we had thought originally. We heard that Japan had isolated itself, that Sweden had ships in the water, Russia was sending people into space, and that Canada had made the Safe Ship, Divergent. 

Divergent, the only ship that is armed to the teeth with weapons. Divergent was like a lottery to some. The ship was so advanced that it could be turned into a spaceship even. If only I could be that lucky. I'm writing this with in my dorm. There are two other kids here with me, Ash and Ronald. They seem nice enough. I do hope that the world can save itself. I'm craving for dessert, and guess what they have! Apple pie! Yum... The bell is ringing. I have to go. Apple pie is waiting.

Diary: Qwerty

Day 360: I hope I can survive. God help me. I found this in a tunnel next to a bloody chopped off hand. The medicines will deploy in 5 days. I need to survive until then. I'm currently reading this while eating my lunch, a can of beans. Are they coming? The souls of the damned that I created? I have to go.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2019 ⏰

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