Ba Sing Se

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Aang POV.
The war is finally over after a 100 years of pain and misery. Peace has started after defeating Fire Lord Sozin by taking his bending away.  We traveled to Ba Sing Se to meet with the king to negotiate the peace of all four nations to start the Harmony Restoration Movement as Sokka has named it.

(Location Jasmine Dragon)
The whole gang is criticising Sokka for his terrible drawing of all of them. While I walk outside of the tea shop to watch the sunset. Katara joins me and we both embrace since it is over the war is finally over.  I looked into Kataras eyes saw she was staring back at me.  I leaned in so did Katara then are lips connected. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I did the same around her waist. Then right after we started to figure out what we meant to each other Sokka walks out and interrupts us. Katara and Sokka start arguing. Sokka yells at Katara for kissing in front of him. Katara yells that he is too immature then says what about you and Suki?!  He says it does matter what him and Suki do. Katara then says then it doesn't matter what her and Aang do. Sokka leaves in frustration of Katara.

Aang then decides to calm down Katara by wrapping an arm around her. She immediately looks at me. Then I muster up the courage and ask Katara. Would you be my girlfriend?  Katara leans in and captures my lips.  I took that as a yes. We both walk inside for dinner hoping Sokka has cooled down.

Katara POV.
We entered the dinning room everyone else is already sitting down enjoying the meal. Their was a vegetarian section just for Aang who dug into his meal I then did the same.  Suki saw that I was holding hands with Aang. She very loudly asked if me if me and Aang were a couple which made both me and Aang blush as everyone looked at us waiting for answer. Aang says yes that him and I are a couple. Zuko called for a toast everyone raised glasses to us.

Aang POV.
After dinner Sokka pulled me aside and told me that if I hurt Katara I will regret it as an older brother would. He then said to treat her right and basically like if I was protecting the world. I then told Sokka that I love Katara and that I would never ever hurt her and that she is my world. Little did Aang and Sokka know that Katara was listing to the whole conversation.

Katara POV.
I saw Sokka purposely pull Aang away after dinner. I decided to follow and see what he was up too. I heard Sokka's big brother speech saying not to hurt me and that Aang should treat me with respect. I then hear Aang speak and say to Sokka that he would never hurt me and that I am his world.

Aang POV.
After that heart felt conversation with Sokka I was exasperated I walked to Katara's room to say good night but she was already asleep in bed. So I lean down and kiss her temple and whisper I love you good night sweetie. I then left her to sleep peacefully and went back to my room.

Katara POV.
After listing to Aang and Sokka's conversation. I walked up to my room got undress but stayed in my bindings got into bed and tried to fall asleep. A few minutes later I heard my door open I closed my eyes and faked sleep as to whoever came into my room so they would not disturb me. They lean down and kissed my temple so I believed that it was Aang. I for sure knew it was him when he whispered I love you sweetie good night. I knew he thought I was asleep I was surprised that he even said that he loved me. I was overwhelmed with emotions and that made me supper tired so I fell asleep.

Aang POV.
I opened my eyes and saw that it was indeed morning. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower.  After showering I walked into my room to see Katara waiting for me. She get up immediately and goes to hug me.  She also gives me a light kiss on the lips. I said good morning sweetie to her and she blushed.  She the proceeded to cup my face and pulled our faces together as our lips connected.  We decided to head down to breakfast before someone came looking for us.  While heading down to breakfast I asked Katara if she would go on a date with me.  She of course said yes and told her it was a surprise.  I didn't tell her what we were going to do.  When we got to breakfast I found out that Zuko and Mai would be returning to the fire nation.  I then told everyone that me and Katara where going to leave for a few hours but be back by dinner.  Suki and Sokka said they were going to explore the under ground city with Toph.  While Iroh is working the Tea Shop today.

Avatar the Last Airbender AfterwardsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum