Southren Air Temple

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Katara POV.
We have been on Appa probably about 2 days now. We have landed twice to sleep and every time I want to cuddle with Aang. But I don't ask and neither does he. It was nice to be just the two of us no one to interrupt us or to worry about. All day I would tell Aang more about my child hood and so would he. He told me all the fun crazy adventures he and his friends did and I would tell him about Sokka and how he played a lot which weapons when he was younger acting as a soldier. The best thing there was no side tracks just plane flying to one destination for a while not moving just me and Aang alone. I see Aang shiver in his sleep I get up and move closer to him to were are sleeping bags were almost touching each other. I fall asleep easily because their was more warmth closer together.

Aang POV.
I woke up after I suddenly got warmer. I sit up to see Katara in her sleeping back snuggled up close to mine.  I smile to myself thinking she gave in first.  I then went back to sleep but before I did gave her a kiss on the temple. I was the first up in the morning so I decide to get some fruits and bread out and make toast for Katara. I airbended the bread into the air then lightly toasted it with fire bending. I woke Katara up because we were a few hours away from the temple and we both ate the warm toast and fruit.

(Southern Air temple)
We had finally arrived back at my first home. I wish all the Sky Bison and Lemurs were still around but I had Appa and Momo. Katara saw that I was looking at the Temple and not were I was flying so she grabbed my hands to guided Appa towards the Temple. I started to apologize for nothing as I always do. When Katara leaned over a gave me a kiss on the cheek and said it's okay sweetie.  Just knowing that it's an emotional moment for me.  We landed and led Appa to the Bison area and Momo to a tree.  Katara helped me unload all the supplies.  I then very nervously asked Katara if she would sleep in my room with me.  She blushed deeply. But I then elaborated that just cuddling would happen nothing else and maybe a little kissing. Katara said yes and that we were both too young to do any thing else. We both brought our stuff into my old room.

After putting our stuff in the room we decided to go and plant the crops that would grow at the Air Temple . I earth bended canals around the sections of the different seeds. Then Katara bended water from a water fall into the canals then we both put the different seeds into the areas. They would grow in a couple of weeks.  After all of our work for the day done I gave Katara another tour of the temple before we went to make dinner on our way back though we gave Appa hay and Momo fruit.  We had decide to eat the last of the food we had brought from the earth kingdom Jook and Vegetarian Momo.  We both decide we should go take showers before bed.  Smelling nice and clean I put on pajamas. I then proceeded to earth bend another slab of rock to make the bed bigger. Then grabbed a mattress from another room to expand the bed.   Katara walked in in her pajamas and we both got under the covers and snuggled till we fell asleep. 

Katara POV.
A week has passed and the garden had sprouted a small amount. Me and Aang have spent the last week cleaning the temple of dust and redoing the irrigation system to have flowing water.  We had also taken a trip to a small town to buy grocery's.  We also bought a messenger hawks and paint to repaint the temple and make it look like it wasn't abandoned for a long period of time. Aang was excited to bring the temple back to how he remembered it then suggested that we should do this for every Air Temple. I told Aang that would take a long time and we be hard to do only just being two people. I then suggested that we could ask people to help us. So we both decide we should write to everyone and ask them to come and help. I wrote to Sokka, Suki, Toph and my dad while Aang wrote to Zuko, Mai and Iroh. Aang told Iroh we would visit Ba Sing Se in a month to get help in rebuilding the Air Temples. While I told Sokka, Suki and Toph that we would appreciate their help in re building the Air temples. I told my dad that I was doing great and that I was so relaxed not worrying about fire benders chasing me. We put all the notes in the 5 messenger hawks and sent them in different directions.  They would get a response in a few days. 

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