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Author's Note

Hey guys! This is the first chapter to my story, Mated to the Vampire King!

The song linked above is one of my personal favorites, and I really think that it matches the mood of this chapter.

This book has always been one of those things where I had the ideas building up, but never had the time to type it! As a student, my third quarter is coming to a close, so (hopefully) I have more time on my hands to write.

The characters are linked below, but you can all imagine them as whoever you'd like.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy it!



"Dimitri, please don't do this. I know you don't want this."

I scrambled to get away from him, my knees scraping against the alleyway pavement beneath.

"If I can just get to the light, someone will see me. Someone will help," I think to myself. But deep down, I know it's not true. No one will see the murder about to occur here in this dark alleyway.

"Oh, my darling Addison. So naive. My mouth practically waters from the waves of fear you're sending off. Dear child, you have nothing to be afraid of."

He inched towards me, hands out as if I were a scorn puppy, rather than a full-grown woman.

"It won't hurt, as long as you don't resist. I can make this painless for you. In fact, it can be quite pleasurable. Just give in to me."

He came nearer with each stride, as I began crawling away faster than ever before. The light post was so close now, only a few feet.

Three feet....

Two feet....


I throw myself into the light, praying to god above for a savior. Anyone to save me from what was about to happen.

Dimitri followed into the light, scowling as if the devil himself.

But what a beautiful devil he would be.

Even at the moment, I analyzed him. His messy black hair, dark as the night itself. His eyes a vibrant green. Last but not least, his lips. I found myself eyeing his luscious, full lips, while my own were quivering.

Why waste a god-like body on a terrible personality?

He crossed his arms in front of him, muscles bulging from the short-sleeve shirt upon his chest, stopping directly above my whimpering self. I was close enough to see the thin scar running across the bridge of his nose, likely from breaking it during a fight.

I'm surprised anyone could get close enough to him to do that kind of damage.

My phone rings beneath me, forgotten in my back pocket. I pull out of my reverie, and quickly grab it. As I pull it out from its confines, another hand crushes the phone in my palm.

My phone is ripped out of my grasp, and thrown across the pavement. Shattered, and now too far away for hope, I see my little sister's face shine upon the screen.


Dimitri pins me down on the ground, kneeling over my body, forearm pressing tightly across my neck.

"You think you could get away from me?! You were dead before, but now i'm going to make you suffer."

He applied pressure on my throat, now switching to both hands roughly encasing it. Applying pressure, my air supply was quickly depleting. His fingers turned into claws, pushing on my delicate skin beneath, one movement away from breaking.

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