For When You Feel Lucky...

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A/N: I know I said this in my synopsis of this poem book, but I write about what I'm feeling at the moment, whether it's happy, sad, or in the middle. So this poem is going to be on the encouraging side because there are happy times within the depressing ones. Without further intro, I hope you enjoy because I'm just feeling super cheerful- I got really good news this week!- sorry, let's get into the poem...

Song: elijah who - skateboard p (one of my favs! well all of the songs I include are my favs soooo)

My heart beats rapidly
Within my chest
I feel my best
Like I won a contest
It's splendid
It's grand
It's relieving 
I'm glad

Beaming without restraint
Happiness radiating from my corpse
My smile won't cease to grin 
As if it's tattooed on my face

Just as I thought I'd lost all hope
My impatience ate me
It infested my mind
Witnessing my hope slip right through my grasp
I was sure I lost
I was sure I'd have no chance
Until that ray of sunlight
Cast upon me to enhance

What all my work
My effort
My dedication and pride
What it all did for me
Though I did have to wait a little
It was worth it in the end

It tricks you into thinking
That you've lost at life
That it got you in the end
When it was actually your friend
It comforts you
It warms you
This emotion consumes you
Your endorphins, they rise
You are Cloud 9 

Because happiness is worth it
It takes its time
It makes you pause
It even makes you question
But you have to remember
It's all worth it in the end

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