31 2 0

Uneven shaky breaths course through a moldy rotten room. Darkness surrounds everything, and the only silver of moonlight was a boarded up window.

A small boy quivers in the corner as A middle aged man holds the door closed, horriffic sounds ofgurgled growls on the other side. The sounds fade, and just as they do the little boy opens his mouth to yell for help. The man quickly covers his mouth though, giving him a cold hard glare.

"Look kid, We're the only ones left. You wanna survive? Listen then. There is No Escape. I've watched so many die to that same thought that there is help, that they'll be free. It Will NEVER GET BETTER. You want freedom?keep dreaming. They have taken you now. You are now theirs. You are never safe and sound. Say goodbye to living, and ready yourself to survive."

The Man whispers roughly to the boy. With a squeamish nod, The boy turns away from the man. The man pulls him back though, and makes the boy face him.

"There is one rule to surviving here. A rule that will keep you alive, ya' hear?" The man whispers roughly. The boy listens intently, hoping for something he can grasps easily.

" Never, Ever, Scream."


Louis sits by his windowsill, bored of toys, bored of books, bored of, well, everything. He had just seen some parents drop a little boy off at the mansion, which was supposedly abandoned. He knew his mother was lying, He'd seen many people walk into that old rickety mansion, Some adventurous teens and daring adults had walked in on October 31st. But what confused him the most, was why they never came back out.

Everyday He'd seen people here and there, stop by the mansion calling to what he'd thought was those who went inside. Just when he'd thought he'd heard it all, a woman came by calling for two names this time.

"Charlotte! Davis! Are you there? I've been waiting 30 years for you,  I haven't got much time left." The senior yelled from the street. All the women got was silence and she sighed.

Charlotte? Davis? Who could they be? He hadn't heard of them before. Not like he should care. He hadn't cared about Joe, Anna Marie, Claire, or James. But why were Charlotte and Davis so....different?

Louis shrugs his little shoulders, They didn't matter to him, just like all the others who didn't matter.  But they would soon matter to him, Everything he knows would matter to him.



Hi! Hope you enjoyed! Let me know if you don't understand, I explain with out giving spoilers. (Hypocrite Alert)

Soooooo did anyone read this because of tumblr?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2014 ⏰

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