This isn't a drawing but still read it please

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I am drawing this anti bullying thing and I was looking for some anti bullying quotes. I came across this one and I thought I should share it with you guys.

"Your skin isn't paper, don't cut it.
Your face isn't a mask, don't hide it.
Your size isn't a book, don't judge it.
Your life isn't a film, don't end it"

Wow just writing that touched my heart.
Please everyone that's reading this, take it seriously.
Remember to be a buddy, not a bully.

I know I should've posted this on anti bullying day but here it is now and I think everyday should be anti-bullying day.

Please spread awarness of this, thankyou.

P.s. I got this idea from The-Victor-Nikiforov's page in one of her books so thanks😄.
Please go follow all of the people I'm following if you haven't already they are amazing people.

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