Chapter 1: The Beginning of the Rest of my Life

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I cover my head under the pillow as I try to tone down the sound of my alarm. I drag myself out of bed and jump into the shower. After that I get dressed. I need the perfect outfit. I should probably dress up to impress the people at school. That's what people would expect from me, most importantly that's what he would've expected from me. I decide to dress comfortable, yet expressing myself.I throw on a tight black jean and a Guns & Roses T-shirt, aswell as some sneakers. Guns & Roses is a band my dad use to listen to. I wasn't really into it, but since he left... I couldn't stop listening. My dark brown waves fall perfectly into place and I decide to leave it like that.

"So, it's your first day, arent you excited?" my mom says the second I walk into the kitchen. Yes, I'm so excited to go to a school where I know nobody and I'm probably gonna get judged by everyone because I'm the new girl. How exciting. I decide to tone down my sarcasm and I just knod instead. Me and my mom have never been close, I mean maybe we would be if she actually showed any interest in my life or acted like she cared? Ever since my dad died she has been blaming everything on me. The reason we moved to California is because of her job, but it couldn't have come at a better time. It has been a year since my dad died and that just made everything worse. My mom hasn't been in a good state since then, but it's not like it was any better before the car accident. My parents use to fight on a daily basis and i think my mother feels partly responsible for his death. "Maybe if we didn't fight... what if it was different," she says. That's the thing about regret, it always comes too late.Plus i didn't tell my mother about what happened to me. I haven't told anyone actually. She wouldn't understand. She would find a way to blame the situation on me. I can imagine her saying "it's your own fault". The thought of my mothers reaction brings tears to my eyes. It's better this way, so nobody can judge me for what happened.

So the day I've been dreading has come. The day I need to start all over. New first impressions , new friends, new classes and a new list of people I dispise. As you can tell people tend to piss me off. It's nothing personal, it's just that everyone in my past has disappointed me and treated me like shit. They made me feel special and then threw me away like trash.That's why I dont open up to people, because in the end all people really care about is themselves.

I grab my backpack and slam the front door shut as I run to the buss. The yellow figure stops infront of me and the doors swing open. Come on, Skyler,it's just school, how bad can it be? I breathe in and out and take a step into the bus. The doors shut behind me and my eyes scan over the people in the bus. My eyes land on an open seat at the back. As I make my way there I can feel everyones eyes on me, inspecting me... judging me. I hear whispers like "who's that" and "fresh meat". I hear a whistle coming from next to me. A well built guy with curly blonde hair looks me in the eye and says: " I'd like to have a piece of that." "You wish," I say as I roll my eyes and head to the back of the bus. His little group of friends around him seems shocked at my response and mocks him about it. He must be one of the jocks. I can tell by the football jacket he's wearing, plus his ego is almost bigger than his biceps. Not my type...well, not anymore atleast.He is attractive, I must say. He doesn't seem use to such a reply, i guess girls just swoon all over him here at Middleton High, well not me. Not this time.

A few minutes later the bus comes to a stop. Everyone rushes outside and all of a sudden I feel lost.I stand infront of the school and my eyes skim over all the groups of people. You know in those cliché, teenage movies where the school has different groups of people? Middleton High isn't much different. You have the goths, the hippies, the nerds, the chearleaders, the skaters, the singers , the edgy smokers and then ofcource, the jocks, my least favourite.

I start to make my way to the entrance as I try not to get anyones attention. I walk past a group of chearleaders that give me icy looks. The one in the middle makes her way in my direction as her short skirt swings in the wind and her golden locks blow back making her look even more intimidating. "New Girl! I'm Britney,but you can call me B. You have potential. Ever thought of joining the chearteam?"she says in her high pitched voice. What makes her think i'm that type? "It's not really my thing, but if you think I have potential maybe I could try?" i answer back unsure. She smiles back at her group of minions then turns back to face me. "Ofcource you could try, you are exacly what we're looking for," she says full of positivity. My face starts lighting up. Britney notices it too. "You have the perfect potential to be our watergirl," she replies in a voice that suddenly sounds bitchy. The Queen B and her minions burst out laughing and my smile suddenly drops. "I don't think she even has the potential to be that," a girl with short, brown hair says to Britney while staring me straight into my soul. I couldn't get away there faster. As I run away Britney trips me and all of my books are skattered all over the floor. "Right, you can't even walk right. What a clumpsy bitch!" she says as loud as possibly. I'm definitely the center of attention in the passage. Great Skyler. Atleast I tried minding my own bussiness,right? Just before I made my way out of there, a few words slipped out of my mouth without me even thinking it through. "Atleast I don't have to wear a short skirt and act dumb to get a guy, oh wait, it's not acting ,is it 'B'?" I say confident all of a sudden.She couldn't think of a comeback before I turned around and made my way out of the passage.I've got a feeling I'll be seeing a lot more of the 'she devil'.

I decide to walk around and look for my class. B14, History, but once again I have no clue where I am. As I rush down the stairs I hear the bell ring and suddenly nerves shoot through my body. Lost on the first day...great. I take out my timetable and study it a bit more. With my head down I rush around the corner. Suddenly my head hits a muscled figure that bumps me over. "Ow fuck" is all I could get out. I hold my head while it's throbing with pain as I'm still on the floor. A tall dark-haired guy reaches down to me and holds out his hand. "New girl has quite a mouth on her," he mutters through his plum lips. I take his hand and he pulls me up. I stay quiet and he sees that I'm getting nervous.I freeze.Still facing down I turn around and walk in the opposite direction. "Dick," I mumble. "First time in a while someone had the guts to say that to me, I can see you're new here,babe," he says in a mysterious voice,"By the way, it's Drake."I ignore his response as I head to my class. School has barely begun and I've already spoken to 2 too many people that I bargained on.

The first period already started 10 mitues ago. I can't believe I'm late on the first day. It's quite hard not to see someone when they tumble into the classroom 10 minutes after it started. B14... got it! As I shove my tametable and book into my backpack I slowly open the door. As soon as I enter my cheeks turn red and I hear peoples whispers. "New girl? Late on the first day? What a loser!" Brittney says just loud enough for me to hear. "Hi uhm.... I'm Skyler, Skyler Jones, uh is this History?" i say. An old man turns around from the board and takes his glasses off to inspect me properly. "Miss Jones, you are late!" he says. "I'm sorry sir, I'm new and i didn't know..." I say but I'm cut short by his response. "No excuses miss. I will see you in detention this afternoon!" he says as he turns back around to face the board. Giggles fill the silence. I look around to find an empty seat. I see one next to Brittney, even though I hate her I still need a seat. I walk over to the chair and put down my bag. As I sit down, Brittney pulls the chair out from behind me. Luckily I see what she has done before I sat down. What a phsycho bitch. "What the hell!" I almost shout. "What is going on back there?" Mr Tyler says as he turn our way. "Sir, apparently the new girl is a bit clumsy and fell off her chair," Brittney says as innocent as possibly. I decide to cut in:"Apparently Brittney can't keep her hands to herself."  Mr Tyler gives me an irretated look and proceeds with the work. "But who has detention? Not me!" she says and lets out a chuckle. I can't stand that girl.

After 2 lesson I head to the cafeteria. Lunch, my favourite lesson, but probably not anymore. I have no friends so I'll probably sit with the geeks. That's bullshit. Why are we devided in group of what we look like? Society is fucked up. I stand in the line as I look across the cafeteria. The lunch lady shoves a scoop of who knows what on my tray. "Delicious, right?" the girl behind me says sarcasticly. I turn around to face a brown haired girl with beautiful locks.She's wearing a short skirt and a tucked-in shirt with loads of jewelry around her neck. She's really pretty, probably a chearleader. "Hey, I'm Jenna Smith," she says in a friendly welcoming voice. First one I've heard today. "Skyler Jones,"I say with a smile as I tuck my wavy, mahogony brown hair behind my ear. "You're the new girl right?" I knod. "Just ask if you ever need anything,okay?"
"Thanks Jenna."
"Anytime, new girl."
We exchange smiles and go our seperate ways.

My eyes stay on Jenna as I watch where she goes to sit. I see her sitting down at a table with 2 girls and 2 guys. I start to feel self-concious as I make my way through the cafeteria feeling all the eyes on me.I don't know where I'm heading, I just need to get out of here. The passages are empty, as everyone is in their different friend groups eating lunch. I find a class that isn't locked and decide to eat luch in there, it's not like I actually have someplace to go. I pull out a chair and place my tray on the desk. I unlock my phone and start to tear up as soon as I see my wallpaper. It's a photo of me and Katy, my best friend from Canada. The thought of her sends me into an emotional state. I just sit there and stare into the distance. I feel like a monster for leaving her in that place. She wanted to get out as much as I did, but unfortunately only I had the chance. I hate myself for it. Next thing I know I'm sobbing my eyes out in an empty class all alone. How pathetic. The bell goes and it brings me back to reality. I need to forget about Katy and what happened back home, but how can I?

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 04, 2018 ⏰

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