Welcome to Riftdale

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                           Hello Riftdale viewers! What a wonderful day! Wouldn't you say?

                         Recently, the mage, Clairvoyance, is suggesting the supernatural community to come together and demand for acceptance against human superiority. He says that is is up to us if we are ever going to be united as one. Do NOT listen to him. He is just a crazy mage who preaches about unimportant topics. Stay AWAY from the mage.

                       In other news, the RDVH have news on the vampire crisis. The vampire on Internet street has been captured and killed. However, the vampire wearing priest robes is still out there taking more victims. The RDVH has kindly ask us to remind you to keep your house stock with stakes and garlic at all times. Vampires are deathly allergic to garlic and stakes are just sharp tools you can easily assess.

                     Now, a PSA announcement:  Ever seen someone who is grey scale and you want to ask why? Well don't, it is rude to ask someone about their colors. It is something that is perfectly normal. It has been proven by the Supernatural Defense Department, the S.D.D, that it is not supernatural at all.

                     An update on the vampire in priest robes, the RDVH found his most recent hideout and scoped it out only find find he had left a day ago. In the hideout they found two bodies drained of blood. We wish Lizzie Colin's and Josh Hanklin's families our  condolences.

                   Here is some information on the organization that entered our town two weeks ago and already has gain a vast following. The people know as The Eye has come here to keep us safe. They have travel to many towns and has lowered the amount of supernatural problems. I know some of you have been worried that they were some corrupted political party because of how much they have been influencing our city council. No need to worry though, we interview them and found out that they are not even a political party. So, you can give them your full support.

                    Now, a word from our sponsor:  We are here to protect you. We just want you to be happy. We are proud and caring of you. We are your parents. Ignore your lesser parents and come to us. We may not get along all the time but we will put that aside for you. You are something very special. From the Mom and Dad foundation.

                   The Eye has wish us to inform you to stay away from the Subway. They believe that something supernatural is going on there. They say people have left there with super natural abilities they didn't have before. They also wish to remind that this is a bad thing. I think that-

        Weewoo! Weewoo!Weewoo! Weewoo!Weewoo! Weewoo!Weewoo! Weewoo!

                      That sounds like the vampire alarm! The vampire in priest robes has been spotted on Artist drive. Please lock up your homes and stay safe.

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