Part 3

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*Warning this has part lemon* 

You sat in the basement while he sat down on the stairs and watched you. He got up and walked to you. "Hey its dinner time go and eat." You turned around and ignore him making him smile. "Y/n." He stood in front of you and bent down while lifted your head with his finger. "There's no need to be rude now is there y/n," You looked in his eyes and he stopped smiling "Huh if you didn't want to eat you should tell me." He moved his hand to your hair and played with it. "S-sangwoo." He looked at your hair and than at you. "I think I'm gonna throw up." He grabbed the blanket next to him and gave it to you while you threw up in it. "T-thank you." He nodded and grabbed a fist full of your hair. "Dinners ready though so you better go eat." You looked down and ignored him again. "So your just gonna let bums hard work go to waist?" He stood up and grabbed the rope that was above him. "You this rope?" You looked at the rope and nodded. "Stay still." He grabbed the rope and put it around your neck. "I'm gonna give you a small taste of what its like if you ever ignore me again." He got up and pulled on the rope making you hang from your neck. "S-sangwoo." He smiled and crossed his arms. "Oh s now you want to talk huh!" You grabbed the rope and tried to get down but it was no use. "No hands!" He kicked your legs while you silently cried. "S-sangwoo please put me down." He looked down and than at you. "P-please put me down." He looked down to see something he didn't expect from this. "Wait so I hang you up and you still want me." You took in a deep breathe and cried more. "S-sangwoo p-please put me down." He stared down and kept smiling. "P-please." He looked at you and the way you struggled. "Shut up you piece of shit!" He let you go and your fell to the ground. "Ow." You laid still on the floor and he crawled on top of you. "Your such a pain in the ass." He kissed you and you tried not to react. He kissed you harder and undid his pants. "I'm very surprised that I got like this because of you~" He kissed you harder and went down your neck while inserting his hard manhood making you moan. "S-sangwoo!!~" He went hard and fast but than slowed down. "Oh you like that?" He whispered in your ear making you smile. He stopped and grabbed your hair. "Go ahead." You grabbed his member and licked the tip until he pressured your head to go more down. "That's a good girl~" You went faster until he stopped you and put his member in you again. He played with your hair and went fast and hard making you moan like crazy. He kissed you and you kissed him back while he groaned. "If this ever happens again y/n it wont be by mistake." He kissed down your neck and abused your hot spot. "OH S-sangwoo!!~" He grabbed one of your breasts and massaged it but than moved on to the other one. "I-I'm gonn-" You came while he kept going. You guys did it twice and somehow he still wanted something more. "lets see." He stopped and got up. "We did it twice and came twice so what do I want?" He looked down at you and smiled. 'I cant ... she's soo-' He criss crossed his legs and pulled you on his lap and kissed you again while playing with your hair. "Are you hungry now?" You nodded and he gave you his shirt that fit you like a dress. It was loose and went down too your knees but you never cared. "Go eat." He walked downstairs while watching you crawl behind him.

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