i. something wicca comes again. part one.

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Piper sent down a plate of toast on the small table in the nook of her kitchen, smiling at the small feast she created. With her two adult sons and her husband's stomachs, they'd absolutely eat everything on this table plus more. It was days like today, hearing the loud thuds of footsteps about her that she relished in. She finally (and for a while) had her normal life. Since the fight with Billie and Christy, the next generation of witches took over, allowing the Charmed Ones to grow and teach their own children until it was their time. Piper got to have the family life that she wanted, soccer mom and all. Although Wyatt was more track and field and Chris preferred no sports at all; Melinda was a busy bee throughout her grade school years. It'd be a boring life without magic, so whenever the occasional demon popped up, Piper almost enjoyed it, taking pleasure in the rare vanquishes.

But of course, as Chris and Wyatt grew older, being 22 and 24, respectively, it was inevitable that their time would come for the family legacy. Melinda probably still had a few years to come into it, her being only 20. This is what Piper was dreading. The time when her children would take up the arms in the ever present good vs evil battles And she knew, just like she and her sisters, that they would face an ultimate battle. Many of them, most likely. Slowly, the demon count raised in their attempts to take down the Charmed brothers before they fully came into their time.

Admittedly, the best part of Piper having children early, was that her sisters had their own children stacked. Yes, there was a bit of an overlap between the kids but the youngest of the Charmed children was 16. And given when the demons decided to attack, they wouldn't come after Peyton and the cousins in her age range for at least another 5 to 8 years. By then Chris, Wyatt and Melinda could focus on their normal lives, them at the age of settling down. Destiny had been kind to them in that fact.

"Hi honey," Leo walked into the kitchen, dressed in a button down and dress pants. He kissed his wife on the cheek, eyes brightening as he saw the spread his wife made. "Did you make frittatas?" He asked excitedly.

"Yes, I did," Piper smiled, taking a seat at the head of the table. "Were you able to finish the grading you needed to do?"

Leo grabbed a frittata. "No, but luckily today they have a test, so I can finish it up then." As he grabbed a muffin, he asked, "How much longer does Melinda have with the accelerated program again?"

"It runs until the end of July," Piper told her husband. "Melinda texted me. Apparently she attended a party last night," she pursed her lips in humor.

Leo raised an eyebrow. "A party?"

Piper shrugged, smiling. "A version of it. The students in the program all got together and had a decathlon of some sorts," she laughed.

"That's our daughter," Leo bragged, smiling at the love of his life.

It all seemed so normal. The ideal picturesque dream. Normal conversation, normal breakfast. Until the familiar blue and white lights came down.

Wyatt orbed in, presumably from the attic as he was holding the Book of Shadows. "Mom, are we out of pig's feet?" He placed the book down on the island in the kitchen and opened the fridge, searching through the many food items for his missing ingredient.

Piper looked up at her husband, her hands instinctively setting on top of his for comfort. "Yes, we are. Why? You don't need it for a vanquishing potion do you?"

"I might," Wyatt sounded muffled, his head almost halfway in the fridge. "PJ had a premonition about a demon possibly attacking so I wanted to premake it just in case." His head popped back out from the fridge. "I'll pick it up righ—" His eyes fell upon the feast his mother made. Like his father's before him, his eyes brightened and a smile grew on his face. "Right after breakfast," he amended his previous statement. He orbed the book back into the attic and took a seat at the small circular table, grabbing food in each hand and adding it onto his plate in front of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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