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"Melonie, you don't plan on leaving me anytime soon do you?" He asked. His voice cracked. I shook my head and continued to walk away before he yanked me back again. His one hand was moving around, exploring places on my body, feeling my curves and bumps.

"I love you. Please remember that," he said. I nodded.

"Yeah. I'll remember."

"Tomorrow I have to handle some business so I might not be home until later that day. I just wanted to let you know so you didn't start worrying," he said. I laughed.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about me," I said. He looked back at me and laughed. Finally, his let go of my wrist and I walked away, into our room. Looking down at my wrist, I could feel a slight stinging sensation. The ring on his finger made a slight imprint in my skin. I held onto my wrist, hoping it would make the stinging go away.

I walked into the room and sat on my bed, burying my face into my bare palms. He thinks I don't know. He thinks that I think that everything is fine but I know what he is up to. I don't understand why keeps doing this to me. When he gets home he'll tell me he was with a co-worker and they were working on business, then he'll crawl into bed and lick his lips and stare at me. He wants to make sure his lips are lubricated so his lies can slip off the tip of his tongue easier. He'll try to kiss me with the same mouth he kissed another woman with. He'll wrap his arms around my body just like he did with her, and I'll resist. Just like last time, his hand will glide across my face with anger, the same hand he used to caress her hips and grip her thighs.

I felt hot tears forming in my eyes and I couldn't help but fall back into the bed, staring up at the ceiling. God, why are you allowing such a man to be in my life? Why must I go through all this? Do I not praise you enough? I quickly wiped my tears with my forearm as I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked. The door creaked open and Trey appeared in my view.

"What are you doing by yourself?" He asked. He walked over to the bed and laid next to me. I quickly turned my body so I wasn't facing him. I felt the sheets ruffle then a buff arm wrapped around me. My body stiffened. I didn't want him here with me right now, I just wish he'd give me some space and time to myself.

"I just ain't feel well so I just came in here to rest for a minute," I replied. His grip around me became tighter.

"Well, I'm here to make you feel better baby," he said. His arm began to lower towards he lower half off my body. I quickly jumped up and sat on the edge of the bed. He sat up and scoffed.

"What's up with you?"


"Quit lying to me. There's something wrong and you know it," he yelled. I turned around and looked him straight into his eyes.

"Please don't yell. My'Asia is in the other room," I whispered. He shrugged his shoulders then went to lay back on the bed. He patted the spot next to him and for am minute I hesitated. I didn't want to lay next to him. Not right now, not ever.

I laid next to him and watched the raise and fall of his chest. Once he was in a deep sleep I could leave. I could take My'Asia with me and just leave for the night. We'd go somewhere and we'd lay down and dream, then wake up and live in this nightmare that is called reality. He's chest slowed down and I could hear slight snoring coming from his side of the bed. I slowly and quickly got up from the bed. He paused for a moment. My heart started to beat right out of my chest. I looked back over at him and he was staring right up at me, eyes wide. He smiled then smacked his forehead with the palm of his house.

"Do you realize what time it is?" He asked me. I looked down at my phone. It's 2:36am. I looked at him and gave me a sorry look.

"I'm not going to deal with you right now. I have a long day a head of me. If you want go, then just go," he said to me shooing me away. I quickly gathered myself and got up from the bedroom, disappearing from his view into the next room. I always had a little emergency bag stashed away in the corner of My'Asia's room. I walked into the room, the smell of plastic dolls filled my nostrils. I looked over at her. She was laying down in her little princess bed. It's a magenta color with a tall bar and pink carpets hanging over it. She's our little princess so we decorated her room like one. No princess should live under such conditions though. I walked over to her and gave her a little shake. I could her a slight sigh escape from her lips but she kept her eyes closed.

"My'Asia, wake up honey," I whispered to her, shaking her a bit more. Her eyes cracked open and she sat up, wiping at her eyes. I walked over to a big pile of her clothes, moving them out the way. At the very bottom was a pink bag filled with clothes of mines and hers. I grabbed it and slung it over my shoulder. She looked at me with a confused look on her face. I put my finger in front of my mouth, signaling to remain quiet. He'd kill me if he knew I was sneaking our daughter out of the house too.

"Come on, follow mommy," I whispered to her while beckoning her to follow me. She got up and put her coat on. I went into the living room and grabbed my keys, quickly peeping into the room and seeing if he was woke or sleep.

I looked back at her. She's too young to go through something like this. The room was dark. I grabbed her hand and we slowly made our way to the door. Creaks came from behind us, then the lights came on.

There, a tall black shadow stood in the doorway. He stood there for a second before darting out towards the car. I fumbled with my keys before I pulled them out and unlocked the door. I ran out in front of her, opening the door and rushing her in as fast as I could. The hair on my arms were standing up, watching us escape for the first time. There was this look on her face, confusion and fear. She was too young to understand what was going on. 

I ran to the front of the car and got in, immediately locking the door. I heard a thud coming from the back of the car. I looked in the rear view mirror, and there he was. He had caught up to us. I  stuck the key in the ignition and started the car.

"Melonie, come back here with my child," he cried as we pulled off. I looked into the rear view mirror and seen him on his knees, extending his arms out like we were going to come back running to him. 

This time, we weren't.

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