Chapter 8

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We walked to the gym and got out an extra table. Only Summer was there yet because she was the president and we had to be there early to set up. We put out our entire spread and put out the labels. A few minutes later everyone arrived and tried some of the food. They couldn't choose between all of the food so they asked us if we could just make it all again which Winter and I agreed to because we had so much fun making it the first time. They also choose the original punch because it was classic and the preferred that. I noted all of this down in my book so we knew what to do closer to the date.

The rest of the meeting was fun. We picked out the major decorations and started the design of how the gym would look for the prom. There would be ribbons around the ceiling and twinkling lights everywhere. The drawing looked amazing and prom was fast approaching. We only two meetings left before we added more meetings for set up. I was super excited to set up the prom because it was going to look awesome. We had a lot more fun then we thought we would have helping out with all the drawings and measuring.

When the meeting ended we all gathered up our things and left the gym to go home. Winter and I went to our lockers to grab our bags. I piled all of my things on one by one making sure I hadn't lost anything. That's when I realised for the second time my blog book was gone. I must have gotten so lost in helping that I misplaced it and forgot to pick it up again. I swore loudly

"What?" Winter asked.

"Winter the book is gone again."

Winter swore loudly. We slammed our lockers shut and ran back to the gym our bags barely on our backs, swinging around the corridor as we ran. I had never run so fast in my life. I felt my arms and legs pumping. My heart was pounding in my ears and sweat was running down my face but I didn't care. All I cared about was the book and getting it back. I didn't care who I pushed past or that I had to get home to do some of the homework I had been given. Nothing else mattered not the ache of my legs or the sign saying no running in the halls. Nothing.

We reached the gym out of breath and looked around everywhere we could. It was nowhere to be found. Winter and I both swore loudly. We checked so many times that it was getting late and there was no hope of finding it anymore as we had to leave soon. It was really gone this time. I fell on to the gym floor as my legs could no longer hold my weight. I felt hopeless. I felt like crying but that just seemed pointless and besides not like this, not at school, not with Winter watching. She is my best friend and she had seen me cry before but it just felt wrong.

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