Chapter 12

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POV Eliza.
"So Martin, how was school?" I asked and he grabbed his notebook. "It was fun!" He wrote and I smiled. It feels good to see him happy. "So, the plan is to bring you home and yeah... you can do your thing there." I said and his smile disappeared.

"You're not staying?" He asked and I smiled and shook my head. "No Martin... I'm just an assassin who has to protect you. I get paid for it so I can pay my food. I have enough money for a house but I feel like I don't belong in a house. The streets are my home. I belong here." I answered.

"Can I ask you something?" He wrote and I nodded. "Yes of course buddy, always." I answered and he clearly hesitated at first. "Do you think there's something going on between Oswald and Edward?" He wrote and I smiled.

"Okay listen... if there's really something they need to tell you, they will tell you. Sometimes, people have so much history and two different types of bonds that they shared. Friendship and enemies are two different things." I said and he nodded.

"On the first day I met Oswald he told me that his dearest friend turned into his worst enemy. I'm convinced it's about Edward... maybe that's why I don't really trust him." He wrote and I nodded. "I understand you... I once had a best friend and he became my enemy and then my friend again." I said.

"What happened to him?" Martin asked and now I was the one to hesitate. "He died in my arms during battle. Even a girl my age has... weird things to deal with sometimes." I said. I spoke the truth just to show Martin that even a boy his age can see things he isn't supposed to see.

"Let's just go back to the mansion." I suggested and he smiled.


Back at the mansion I opened the door with my pick lock. Penguin complained about me coming in just like that. He doesn't even know I use a pick lock.... come on, it's the oldest trick in the book. I walked over to the kitchen with Martin.

"When is the last time you drank water? Stay hydrated okay?" I said and he nodded. I just said that because I had the feeling I just had to break the long silence we had when we headed home.


That was weird. Maybe it's because I didn't see Martin drink water in a while.

God you sound like some kind of older sister taking care of this orphan.

"Shut up!" I yelled and Martin looked at me confused. "Are you okay?" He asked and I closed my eyes leaning against the counter. "Yes I'm fine Martin. Drink your water, I have to go check on Penguin and Ed. See where they are in this huge mansion." I answered and he nodded carefully and confused again.

I walked away out of the kitchen to the living room where I heard sounds. I had the urge to call out their names but something stopped me. I looked at the couch and I saw the Penguin on top of Edward. They were... kissing.

I took a few steps back and stood behind the wall to observe the situation. The entire room is a mess... they clearly had a good 'talk'. But Penguin isn't really the type for.... hm, never mind. I guess I just have to let hem do their thing?

This is the second time now I caught them kissing each other. First time was in Penguins room. The days after that they were very... awkward I suppose. Penguin is very interesting... he looks like he has lots of emotions to deal with.

He just broke outta Arkham. What is happening to the world? Suddenly I heard a knock on the front door. It was a soft knock and they both didn't hear it. I walked over to the front door and opened it. I saw two men... the one of the left was quit handsome and the one on the right had long hair and a small beard.

"Who the hell are you two?" I asked and they looked at me in confusion. "I'm Jim Gordon... this Harvey Bullock, GCPD kid. Who are you?" He asked and I raised my eyebrow. "Doesn't matter, what are you doing here?" I asked and the man named Harvey sighed.

"We're looking for an Arkham escapee about yay tall, walks with a limp... mommy complex." He answered. "I didn't see anything but if I do I'll let you know." I answered and I was planning on closing the door but Gordon stopped me.

"Wait... this is his home. What are you doing here? You must know him." He said and I nodded. "I do know him. I'm Martins guardian and that's how I know Penguin if that's who you're talking about." I said.

"You can't still be here right? Oswald blew Martin up himself... he killed him." Gordon said and I shook my head. "You need to do your homework better James Gordon. I will protect Martin and he's not planning on leaving this house without me. If you have a problem with Penguin or Martin... you have to go trough the front door which means you have to go trough me. I am not the kind of person you wanna mess with right now... a 17 year old is not just an assassin when she's 17 right? I must be a good one." I said with my dangerous face.

"Is that a threat young lady?" Bullock asked and I shook my head again. "No... this is just a warning." I answered before slamming the door shut.

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