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The two fuck-tards sitting next to me are gay and high as fuck. Pussy licker is another word for cat. The actors in High School Musical were just a bunch of kids at a school who were high. Ladybugs are made from lady parts. Can you Mickey my Mouse? Club my House? Donald my Duck? Or, will you hose my garden?

Quack is what the duck said to the dick. Eat My Chocolate Balls. Heads up Fuck My luck.

I'm a flying bird shit. Billy what have I told you about watching porn. To do It all The time.FLying eyeballs never blinks. Bitch who told you to eat my feces.

I visited my grandma and found her sucking wrinkly dick. Mustache says always tell the truth.

Smoky the bear lied to you when he said you can prevent forest fires.Mommy I'm a dickhead now.Cum hack my life. I want to game myself. Confessions of gecko that shitted himself . Somebody call 911 and tell them to Eat a dick pancake.I can see clearly now my bitch is gone. Your an obitchuary.Steve Jobs made a special apple with a long a stem.

WE ARE DUMBFUCKS DUM BA DUMB BA DUMB BA DUMB FUCK. Teachers pet is defined as the teacher bitch. Mom says to always do drugs and never go to school. Suck education. Burn In Jello. Green is the color of shit. Why would elmo ever lick you.
Eliminate your fears.Look ate me suck on me. Spandex is for superheroes and role play.Your mom loves golden showers I should know.
I suck dick with my squidward- like nose.

Hennessey is4 for heffanie. I've got dick on the brain.I want to roll your balls.

I like to drink cum aid. Oh Fuck Yeah.
KFC stands for Kevin fucked Cornell.
Made 2 dollars then I freaked It.

Candy is crack for kids, I should know I used to snort fun dip.
The boggie man is under childrens beds for a reason.
To steal Their closet doors.
My teacher was fired for drinking on the job.
Handcuffs are for arrest and kinkiness.
When did you loose you masculinity.
Someone call 911 she assualtted me. I don't have a penis because of that she- devil.
I want a sky five.
There after me.Who ? The narcotics who else.
Don't get your pastries in a twist.Cake is for important events Thats why we don't eat it on your birthday.
There's a reason he's named gumball.
Johnny Bravo gets all the hoes.
The power puff girls are robots.
Parents are just grown humanoids.
Elmos a kidnapper.
My secret identity is Cosmo from Fairy odd parent. The true dumbFuck.
If we invade another planet aren't we the aliens.
Barney is just a dude in a costume who loves children too much.
McDonald is trying too poison us with maggots.
McDickald got arrested for stealing PennyWise's Makeup.Now he wants revenge.
If You come near me Again My dad will beat your ass Becky.Why? Because your ugly is contagious.

Im both a Frog and A hat.
What are you made of. Gushers.

I want to bathe in nutella. my clock goes clik,cock.
You want to pay for spit.No useless hobo.Fuck you mom go swap fluids with a drunk teenager and rot in jail.
Screw you, you wish you could screw me.
555 words Bitches

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2018 ⏰

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