Soul Mates

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Chapter 1

There I was just standing there, watching the love of my life embrace his wife back from the dead. I felt so many things, hatred towards Ms.Swan, heartbreak from Robin, and hatred towards myself. I mean after all I did kill his wife, but in my defense I had no idea who she was. So, I just walked out of Granny's. I had tears in my eyes so I couldn't really see anything and I tripped on a curb. I was to weak to straiten myself out, so I just say down, took my heels off, and closed my eyes while I bury my head in my hands. When all of a sudden I hear someone approaching, I quickly wipe my face, and keep my head down. "Whoever it is, if you know what's good for you, you will leave right now." And wouldn't you know it, the idiot sits down by me. I just ignore the person and keep my head down when he starts talking. "You know, the first time we had a connection was during a night like this?" I would recognize that voice anywhere. "Robin?" I look up and ask. He raised that brow of his and slapped that stupid smirk across his face, while continuing his story. "We were looking to find a way into that castle. I remember thinking to myself, God she's beautiful why can't she just let go if all that anger and realize I can't keep my eyes off of her? But, you didn't and we had a lovely conversation and I finally saw apart of the real you. Not the evil queen, but Regina." I put my head down and bit my lip while asking, "What are you doing here? Robin, look I understand... Your wife is back. Go back to her. I'll get over it." I try to hold my tears back, but that just makes my throat choke. He lifts my chin up, and looks at me with those beautiful, gray eyes of his. They were between a very light blue and very light green. I finally snap out of the trans he put me under with his eyes and say, "Robin, the other day I asked you what you saw in me. You said a second chance. Well now you don't need a second chance at love, you already have your first love waiting for you. Go to her." He sighs and says, "Regina, I love my wife. Always have. But, no where near how much I love you!" That was the first time someone has told me that in a very long time, I couldn't believe it. I picked my head up with a tear falling down my blushing face and ask," What? You- you love me?" He chuckles and replies with,"Regina! How could you not know that? I have fallen completely in love with you. I love your smile, the way you flip your hair, I love how your eyes sparkle when you look at me, I love everything about you. Regina, I don't care what you did back in the Enchanted Forest! Do have any idea how amazing you truly are? All you see is what you used to be. You think you are the evil queen, when the truth is, you were never evil. You were just heartbroken. Regina... Marion may have been my wife, but you Regina, you're my soul mate." I take a deep breath, grab him by the collar and kiss him deeper than I ever have before. As I pull away breathing heavily still holding onto his collar, I look at him and say,"I can't take you away from your family." He looked at me upset and then I said something I thought I would never tell another man in my entire life,"I have to let you go, because I love you too much to take you away from your happiness." As more tears begin to fall, Robin wipes them and says,"You are my happiness. You are my family." I couldn't help but to think of Roland. "But, what about Roland? I love him like he's my own... I can't take a normal family from him." I tell Robin and he smiles and replies,"Roland asked me if I would ask you to be his mommy. And do you know why? Because he loves you like a mommy. Regina, you are his mommy. He didn't even know Marion. And who cares about normal? What's so special about being normal? He wants you to be his mommy! And I want you to be my wife!"

Chapter 2

My pulse racing, tears in my eyes, butterflies in my stomach, and I can't speak. Did Robin just propose to me? His face sort of dropped, I don't think he was expecting to say that, but then he takes by the arms, looks me straight in the eyes and says,"Regina, I love you. I know we haven't been together that long... But, these past few weeks have been.... Amazing. I couldn't imagine my life without you, and I don't want to. So," He gets down on one knee and continues,"Regina Mills? Will you do me the extraordinary honor of becoming my wife?" I fall to my knees and look into his loving eyes,"What? Robin... Are you sure?" He laughs,"Regina, I'm on my knee, I left my dead wife to come see you and tell you I love you, not to mention it is pretty damn cold out here... So, yes I'm very sure." I smile while rubbing his cheek. His stubble would tickle the palm of my hand. "Yes." He smiles,"Yes?" "Yes!" We kiss passionately for a minute or two and when we finally pull apart I ask,"What do you think your wife will say?" He takes a deep breath trying to gather his thoughts I guess. "Well, how about I go handle that situation right now?" I nod understandingly as we both stand up, he takes my hand, and starts walking. I pull back and say," Robin are you insane? I can't go with you to tell your wife, that you're leaving her for the woman who killed her!" He stops and says," Regina, I'm not asking you to stay. I'm asking you if you wouldn't mind taking Roland while I talk to Marion privately. I don't want to tell her in front of everyone..." "Oh..." "So, is that a yes?" I smile and say,"Yes." As we reach Granny's, I wait outside and Robin sends Roland out. Roland comes out running to me with his arms out for me to pick him up. I pick him up and hug him. As I pick him up he says,"Gina! Where did you go? I was sad. I didn't know where you was..." I smile and kiss his cheek and explain to him,"I'm sorry buddy. I'm here now." He hugs me and says,"Gina, I wuv you." I smile and another tear falls. "Gina. What's wong? Did I say sumtin?" I smile at his little voice. "Don't worry baby, these are happy tears. And I love you too. And I always will, no matter what." As soon as I say that, Marion comes storming out, I put Roland down. "You bitch!" Marion says as she slaps me. Robin comes running to me "Regina! Are you okay?" I rub the blood off of my face and say," I deserved that." I also look at Robin and say sarcastically,"I'm guessing you told her? What happened to talking to her privately?" He says,"She wanted to know..." She then strikes again,but this time she punched me instead of slapping. "Marion! Stop!" Roland comes to the side of me scared,"Gina? Are you otay?" As I was laying there on the ground I was thinking of how I should strike back, but then as soon as I heard that voice and say poor little Roland's face I stood up and said,"Not worth it." She goes to pick up Roland and he starts yelling,"Gina! Gina! I want Gina! Pwease Gina! Help me!" Robin tries to get Roland back,but little miss wonderful decides to make me angrier by saying,"This is MY son! Not hers!" I bite my lip and try to stop what was about to happen,but I couldn't help myself. I walked up to her and said,"Roland cover your ears." He does as I ask. "Marion, I get that you're upset, but you will put Roland down and hand him over to me and Robin or I will personally destroy you. You think I was bad then? Well, I was just a queen then, now? Right now I am a pissed off mother. Now put him down right now,bitch. Understand?" She puts Roland down and asks,"Who the hell do you think you are?" I simply reply,"I'm his mother. Now back off bitch!" She scowls at Robin and I and says,"This isn't over." Then storms off. I bite my lip and try to cool down when I feel a slight tug on my skirt. I look down and it was Roland. He looks up to me with his cute little face and asks,"So, does this mean your my mommy?" I smile and pick him up. "Yes it does. Is that okay?" He smiles big and says,"Yay! Gina's my mommy!"

Chapter 3

The next day I woke up to the man of my dreams next to me. I couldn't help but smile, he was looked so peaceful. Then I hear a tiny knock on my door, it was Roland. "Momma?" I loved hearing him call me that, it felt so natural."Yes sweetie?" He shuffles over to my side of the bed,"Can I get in the bed with you? I had a bad dweam last night. It was scawy." I pick him up and snuggle him up. "Aww come here baby. It's okay, I'm right here. I'll protect you." I smile and kiss his cheek. He smiled and said,"I wuv you mommy." "I love you too baby." As I say that, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I immediately smile. Robin the rests his head on my shoulder and sees Roland all snuggled up against me, he smiles. "He is so spoiled to you!" I smile and reply,"So?" He laughs and kisses my cheek. "I love you Regina." "I love you too Robin. With all of my heart. I know it's not much... But I hope one day it returns to what it used to be, if that's possible..." He rubs my arm and says,"It will my love. I'm so proud of you. You went from being afraid of love and the light to someone that opens up to a common outlaw such as myself."I smile and take a deep breath. "Well, you're my outlaw." I say with a smile. "And your soul mate." I smile and say,"Yes, my soul mate."

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