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Yay! I got tagged twice!

John: *claps dramatically*  CONGRATULATIONS!!! May j get my crown now? I am the king of gifs! I cannot go on without a crown!

Me: John! Look! It's an eggman!

John: *goes and bothers the eggman*

So the first tag is from...
-IAmTheWalrus- (Thank you!) I think I have done this tag but it was a million years ago so...

1) Favorite Song: I've had 'You Can't Do That' in my head for two days so that's my favorite song right now. But 'This Magic Moment' (Jay and The Americans) is pretty great too!

2) Favorite Sport: NONE! (But I can somehow sort of play lacrosse... It's strange...)

3) Favorite Band: THE BEATLES (I mean, have you seen this book?)

4) Favorite Show: Law & Order: SVU (It's the only interesting thing on Saturday which is when I have a lazy day...)

5) Favorite Movie: A Hard Day's Night

6) Favorite Color: Black

7) Favorite Food: Anything sweet (and I ask myself why I gain weight 😂😂😂)

8) Favorite Drink: Coffee, it keeps me awake...

9) Favorite Video Game: None, I suck at them...

10) Tag 15 people: I'll tag...

(If you did this before or you don't want to, you don't have to do it.)

The second tag is from -Sitarday-
(Thank you for the tag as well!)

The second tag is from -Sitarday-(Thank you for the tag as well!)

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Come on Spotify! Don't let me down!

1) The song that describes how you will die. "I'll Be Back" - The Beatles

2) This song describes your lovelife. "The Wanderer" - Dion (😂😂😂 I'M DEAD!)

3) This song will play at your wedding day. "Do You Want To Know A Secret" - The Beatles

4) Add "in my pants" at the end of this song. (Elvis Presley) "Hound Dog" in my pants 😂😂😂😂😂

5) This song will play at your funeral. "Eight Days A Week" - The Beatles

6) Add "with a shovel and a screwdriver" to this song.  (Elvis Presley) "She's Not You" with a shovel and a screwdriver 😂😂😆

7) This song describes your week. "Eight Days A Week" Anthology 1 - The Beatles

8) This is your theme song. Running Scared - Roy Orbison

9) The song will play when you think of someone you love. "Strawberry Fields Forever"  Anthology 2 - The Beatles

10) The song will play when you miss someone. Elenore - The Turtles

I'll tag...

(You don't have to do it.)

Also, has anyone heard of Roy Orbison?

Also, has anyone heard of Roy Orbison?

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(John is feeding Roy 😂😂😂)

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