Source of Strength

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'Ahhhhhhh Jaewonieeee! Nomu kgeriwoesoeeeee! (I've miss you so much)', hanbin runs towards jaewon and hugs him. 'Kesaeki (this bastard)~ you should be calling me hyung ya know?', he's relieved to see hanbin's all energises after meeting him.

Jaewon: So, how was Japan? Did you hot to eat your favourite onagi ?
*hanbin sighs but still kept the smile on his face*
Hanbin: Barely went out from the hotel room...
Jaewon: Still can't control your anxieties huh?
Hanbin: Afraid that fans might faint seeing this handsome young man~ 'Hanbin oppa! B.I! Omo I love you!'~ *tries to imitate his fans*
*they both laughs at hanbin's reaction*

It's good to see you like this buddy-, but this ain't you. I can still hear your heart begging your brain to speaks together with it. Although they were friends not too long ago, but they are bad at keeping secrets from each other. It's like they're twins from different mother and born in different years. Jaewon technically can read hanbin's expression behind his smiles.

Flashback during the making of New Kidz: Begin album.
Jaewon: You see buddy, I found this letter...(pauses and takes out a letter from his jacket) while I was searching for seungs lighter yesterday in your studio.

Hanbin reaches the his hand to take the letter from jaewon. "To My Beloved Nephew", ahhh right! This letter that dad gave me after uncle tablo passed away. I didn't get a chance to read it yet-, or more like I didn't want to read it. He speaks within his thoughts.

Jaewon: Don't you think its time to read it? You've been making him waiting ya know.

Hanbin tears the cover letter, he found a purple bracelet and a purple paper with white ink written on it. He takes out the bracelet and wears it on the spot. The he starts reading the purple letter;

14th September 2015,

What a nice date to realise a music video huh? My boy, by the time you read this I'm no longer there to be with you through your toughest and happiest days ahead. Im writing this letter to you now, not knowing when should I pass it to your father. I'm glad you've grown up well my boy. Healthy, strong minded, full with sense of humour and....yes boy, you are better looking than me. Boy, when you're having troubles with your surroundings, stay calm and think wisely before you take actions. Keep your mind strong and firm. I don't want you to end up like me. I've sent my wills to Bobby, and I know he can take care of my boy. Don't be too cold with your parents ya? I ain't gonna be there to scold you abt your attitudes-, no more. There's a bracelet with this letter right? Wear it, assume it as a part of me that I personally left for you. As long as you have that bracelet I'll be there with you. Even if you don't, I'll be there too. In your heart. Can you let me rest in peace now? If you miss me, you know where to find me.

I love you my boy.

Hanbin couldn't control him self and let his tears falls as he read every words written on that piece of paper. Jaewon hugs hanbin to calm him down.
End of flashback.

Hanbin slides to his computer table with his chair. He starts searching for the letter that his uncle left him. He finally found it in the first drawer on the left. He starts reading it through. Uncle, if you can only see what's going on now, with the unstoppable hate I got since before debut, with people calling iKON a flop, with bobby hyung is being cold towards me, with the netizen thinking that I'm gay,with the my sudden depression after your death-, it's getting worse uncle...and all of this happened because of me. You didn't die because of me too right? I feel bad for the members. Thank goodness I have jaewon hyung and jennie with me.

'Oi oi~ snap out of it~', jaewon waves his hand in front of hanbin's face to get his attention. 'You've been day dreaming for like...-, what? 10 minutes?', Hanbin shakes his head, 'Were you talking to me?', jaewon stares at hanbin-, disbelieve.

Hanbin: Thanks hyung😊
Jaewon; Wae kgapchagie? (Why suddenly)
Hanbin; Im thanking you for being there for me.
Jaewon: Hanbin-ah, that's what friends do~ They encourage you, they calm your nerves down, they guid you back to the right's normal stuff you see~
Hanbin: When im cured, I will be the one to her you out after this okayy? Uhu cant wait to be at your shoes~

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