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After school I asked the other guys to come to my house. Sam and Jonah walked me home and Sam went back to his house but Jonah stayed at my house. He has clothes here that he left from last time he was over at my house. He is my other best friend. I have 2, Sam and Jonah.

Me and Jonah walked inside. "Hey mom!" "Hey sweetie, and Jonah. I didn't know you were coming over today. But you know you're always welcome!" My mom really likes Jonah. He is the only one of my friends that is allowed to call her by her name. "Actually mom, everyone is coming over today. They're gonna sleep over here too."

She smiled and nodded letting us know it was ok. Me and Jonah walked up the stairs and to my room. I placed my phone on my dresser face up. Jonah looked at it and picked it up, "Noel what did you do to this?!" I chuckled, "My alarm went off and I threw it at the wall." I showed him the little dent that was in the wall.

He smiled, "And that's the Noel I know, come here!" He hugged me unexpectedly. "J-Jonah??!" He looked down at me still holding me. "Hey remember, the prank." I had forgotten about that honestly. I hugged him back, smiling. Then the door opened and my mom cleared her throat. "What's going on here??"

We released each other and Jonah handed me my phone. "You both know you two would be cute together, right?" My mom wants me to date Jonah. I will say that I wouldn't be completely opposed to it. "Yeah, our teacher said the same thing." Jonah said with a little smile on his face.

I smiled a little too. Then my mom squeaked. "Mom-" I started then Jonah poked my back to remind me of the prank. "Wait, think what you want." I smiled more. Then my mom walked out with the biggest smile on her face. "We're pranking my mom too??" I whispered to him. He nodded. I smirked. "So how are we gonna do this, to the others I mean??"

He explained how we are gonna prank the others. I'm not gonna tell you guys though. I smirked when he was done explaining everything. "Looks like someone's happy." He smiled. "Yeah, I love pranks!!" He hugged me and whispered, "I can hear you mom coming." Then he let go. "What time is everyone getting here??" " 8" It was 3:45 so we had time to just be together and hang out.

"Well we got a while, wanna watch a movie or something!" He asked. I smiled and went down to were all my favorite movies are. "Witch one are we watching?" He asked as I quickly hit the box against my stomach. "You'll know when I play it!"

"Don't look!" I said looking at him to make sure he would look away. He turned his head then I quickly put in the movie into my laptop. I got back on the bed and laid the box down on the table beside my bed. I laid down beside were Jonah was sitting. He laid down next to me and we started watching the movie.

As soon as he saw that it was Harry Potter he hugged me. "Have I told you that I love you?" I chuckled and smiled. "Yeah, Yeah, Lets just watch this movie." After the movie was over we had a little bit of time before the others came. "What do we do now?" I ask as I close my laptop and slid it under my bed.

"I don't know, but I do know that I'm gonna go change. Were did you put my clothes from last time?" He asked as he stood up. I stood up and walked over to my dresser. I opened the top drawer to reveal his black hoodie and shirt and his grey sweats. I grabbed them and handed him his shirt and sweats.

"Where's my hoodie?" He asked and I smiled. "You leave clothes at my house I'm gonna wear them." He scrunched up his nose at me then walked into my bathroom. I walked out my room and into the bathroom in the hallway.

I put on a black tank top some grey leggings and Jonah's hoodie. I looked down and realized that me and Jonah would be matching. Which happens more than you think. I shrugged it off. I walked back to my room putting my clothes I had on in a bin I had beside my dresser.

"Sup twin." I said to Jonah. He looked at me then at himself. "How does this always happen?" I smiled and shrugged. He smiled too. I grabbed my phone and saw texts from everyone. They all said that they were on their way. "They all said the exact same thing, that's kinda creepy." Jonah said looking over my shoulder.

"Yep." I said and popped the 'p.' He chuckled and jumped into my bed laying on his back making a star form. I laid my phone down and jumped on his back. "Ooww! Noel why would you do that?!" He said pretending to be hurt bad. I smiled and slid down do I would be laying beside him.

We looked at each other and then he smiled. That made me smile, "Hey, why'd you smile?" His smile just went wider. I rolled my eyes playfully and laid down in a star shape letting my leg and arm fall onto Jonah. I looked at him and my arm was on his chest. This is the first time I looked at the shirt he was wearing. It was sleeveless.

Wow Jonah has some muscle. I smirked to myself. "What??? Did you just notice my shirt or something?" "How did you know!!?" He smiled, "because you said that thought aloud." I blushed and buried my head into my covers. I did that so Jonah wouldn't see. It failed though.

Right after my head was in my covers I felt arms wrap around me. I look to see Jonah smiling. "Shut up!" I quietly yell. Then I slapped him with the sleeve of his own hoodie. I smirked then got picked up bridal style and was thrown onto my bed. "How dare you throw me??" We both just started laughing.

The Prank | Jonah Marais {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now