Chapter 1

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As i opened the door to my small apartment, I called out. "Elliot, are you home?" I got no response. I had thought that he might of been running late from work again. I walked in and placed my keys down on the kitchen table. I slid my bag off my shoulders and and placed it next to the couch. I smiled to myself. 'Today had been a good day'. I opened the kitchen window, as the house smelt musky and walked upstairs. I heard muffled voices. Which soon turned into moans. I was confused. I checked my watch 4:30pm. 'So he was home'. I dreaded walking into our room. I had a slight hope.. Maybe he wasn't unfaithful, maybe Elliot was just watching a movie which contained a sex scene. I slowly gripped the handle to the bedroom door. As quiet as I could, I opened the door. And why I found made my dimwitted hope dissapear.

I walked in to find my boyfriend on top of my best friend. I froze on the spot. It was that moment, I realised I was ignoring the signs that he was having an affair with her. The moans grew louder, I still stayed rooted to the spot frozen in shock. Tears softly cascading down my cheek. It was then that Crystal's eyes met mine. I was sure she could see the shocked and hurt look on my face. But she just grinned and continued. It was only when Elliot noticed Crystal's head turn back, did he look at me. Remorse and hurt were written all over his face. He got up and threw Crystal away, He walked towards me and attempted to wrap his arms around my waist. I felt my tears flow faster in streams, drizzling down and forming puddles on the carpet. Changing its shade from a light blue to a darker shade. I pushed Eliott away.

The room fell silent.
"it's... Um... Not what it looks like babe.." he said regret clear all over his face.
"I know exactly what it looked like " I whispered, "My boyfriend of two years, was under the covers having sex with my best friend," I screamed, no longer wanting to whisper.

Crystal got up. "you know you take what you have for granted". She said with a giant smirk plastered on her face.
"Oh shut up Crystal, this is the last time I forgive you. How many times do I need to tell you, keep your fucking legs closed. First, you had sex with my cousin. Then my dads brother and now my boyfriend. I wouldn't be surprised if you had every sexual disease on the planet. I'm not gonna waste a single breath in either of you now, so leave my apartment now!" by this point I was radiating with anger. If they didn't leave. The police would have two murder cases in their hands. I didn't feel that they deserved the satisfaction.
"Elliot, you have today to get your stuff out my apartment otherwise I'm setting fire to it," I said with brave voice. At the time I didn't know what I was going to do.

He put his clothes on with haste. Crystal, took her time. The smirk becoming a menace to my pride. They both left around ten past five.
I locked the door and slumped against it. 'why me?' I questioned. The tears just fell. Causing another puddle. This time on the wooden flooring. I stared around at my apartment. Nothing felt right. Nothing looked right. I lived a lie. My boyfriend cheated. My best friend had sex again, with someone I cared about. I had, had enough.
A look of determination was now prominent on my face. 'she can have Elliot, and everyone else she wants in America, but I. I'm not going to let this happen again.' I smiled, I wasn't at peace, but I knew things were going to change. Whether that be for better or worst. Till death does destiny part.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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