New Avengers: Legacy

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It had been nearly a year since The New Avengers destroyed Ultron and they had cleaned up the earth, removing Ultron's drones and restoring peace.

Tony had built a new base out of the remains of the old Avengers Tower and earth was on it's way to recovery.

Tony wandered through the halls of Avengers Tower, entering the briefing room to find no one there.

"Where are those kids" Tony sighed.

New York 

Somebody was running across the rooftops but an arrow hit the ground ahead of him.

"You picked the wrong time to come out of hiding Shocker" Hawkeye declared aiming a second arrow.

"Mason's putting the band back together and there's no Sinister Six without The Shocker" He retorted.

Suddenly he got into a guard pose revealing his gauntlets.

"I wouldn't do that, it will hurt" Francis warned.

Herman didn't listen and threw a punch at Torunn but she used her sword to redirect the energy, blasting him unconscious.

Francis quivered his arrow and placed handcuffs on Shocker.

"Job well done" He smirked.

Wakandan Ruins

Azari was sitting in front of the panther statues meditating, remembering his time in Wakanda.

His mind conjured up images of the time  his aunt Shuri helped him fix his father's jet after he damaged the engine.

Followed by a memory of him practicing his powers alongside Pym.

Suddenly there was a loud noise that broke him out of his meditative state.

Azari picked up his communicator.

"Hello Tony what is it " He asked.

"We need the team, get to Avengers Tower" Tony replied.

Avengers Tower

Everyone gathered in the briefing room and Tony walked in holding a wrench.

"Alright Tony what's the situation" Francis questioned.

"There's no disaster but there is something I wanted to discuss with all of you" He told the assembled heroes.

Tony began pacing the room "as you all are aware it has nearly been a year since we destroyed Ultron".

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Well purpose a party, to have some time to relax and boost moral" Tony explained.

"I can't speak for the others, but i'm up for it" Francis told him.

"As an asgardian i'm always up for it" Torunn laughed. 

Three days later

"Friday status" Tony asked.

"Everything is in order boss" The AI replied in her Irish accent.

Francis and Torunn were sitting together talking between themselves.

"According to Tony, Thor was able to manipulate electricity naturally after his hammer was destroyed, have you ever tried to see if you can do it" Francis asked.

Torunn looked at her sword then replied with "We have been fighting Ultron sentrys for the last year and we weren't given much more then basic training back when we were hiding from Ultron" She revealed.

New Avengers: LegacyWhere stories live. Discover now