Chapter 1

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The day after the farewell party. Sasuke packed up all his stuff, devastated because the only girl he ever cared about, had walked out of his life. He completes his packing and looks at the time, still one hour left before his flight leaves. He was leaving for America.

"Sakura....." he thinks, while looking at a framed photo kept on his study table.

He places the photo frame down i such a way so that the photo faces the table and not his face. He starts to leave the house. After locking his main door, he takes one last glance at his house, and enters the taxi waiting for him to take him to the airport.

"Do you really need to do this Sasuke? " asked naruto. He was sasuke's best friend and knew everything about him. He was the only one who was there at the airport to give him final goodbyes

"Yes I do need to do this dobe, " said Sasuke.  Then he looks down.

"I can't believe Sakura didn't come here."

"I know.. but don't worry yourself so much. You will get over her."

"Yeah I know, well I guess this is it dobe"

"Take care teme"

"You too"

And with that, Sasuke left. No matter how hard he tried,Sakura's words were constantly revolving in his head.

"Sakura, why do you always say no to every party? You never come to hangout in large groups, you never come to any parties, you never do any outings! Why?"

"Sasuke.. I've told you that I can't tell you why. I just don't want to come at the farewell party"

"Sakura! What are you hiding from me?!"

"I CAN'T TELL YOU SASUKE! OKAY?I CAN'T. I'm really sorry sasuke.... I don't think we should see each other anymore... "

"What?! Sakura no! Please don't break up with me! I just want to know why don't you ever come to any social outings!"

"I can't tell you Sasuke. I'm sorry.goodbye..."

"Sakura wait!"

Sakura runs away.

Hi everyone! This is my 1st time writing a fan fiction.  I am very new to wattpad, so feel free to comment on my work and leave some tips. I know this chapter is small, but I just wanted to know your opinions before I start reaching to the main part. So arigato! ^•^

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