Chapter Two

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"Carter, your father was in a car accident, he's in critical condition" the police officer said to me. I shook my head. I couldn't believe it, I wouldn't believe it. "Do you people think this is some sick joke or something. Did Danielle put you up to this. You aren't real officers" I screamed at them. "Carter we just need to talk to you and ask you a few questions" they said and I shook my head again. "Do you know if your father has been drinking" they asked and I shook my head no. "What happened" I said gasping for air. "Take me to him now!" I yelled at them. I didn't even care what scene I was causing I had to go now, I had to see him. They ushered me out of the principles office, and there the boys were. Standing there in the group appearing to have heard the whole thing. The other looked as if they couldn't wait to share the news, but one with the blue eyes looked at me mouthed an 'I'm sorry'. I think his name was Luke. I didn't are though, I ran out of the school following be officers.

When we got to the hospital there he was, hooked up to a bunch of machines looking as if he was barely holding on. "Where's the doctor" I screamed, and in that minute the doctor walked in with a book. "Hi Miss. Davis, your father came in, in critical condition and we did everything we could" she said. "Carter, my name is Carter" I whispered. "You see Carter your father, he isn't breathing on his own.
There is no brain activity, your father is essentially brain dead." I couldn't do this, no this couldn't be happening. This wasn't real. "Do you have any family that you need to contact" she asked and I shook my head. "It's just me, my mom died 3 years ago" I told her in a monotone voice. "I'll leave you two alone" she said before walking out of the room.

I'm alone. I'm really alone, there isn't anyone here to help me anymore. I remembered my dad had a sister that didn't live to far away so I decided it was best to call her. She picked up right away and told me that she was on her way.

I sat there for 2 hours by myself before she came rushing in. "Hi aunt Sarah" I said quietly. At this point I had nothing left there were no more tears. I had nothing left to give. "Oh honey, I am so sorry" she said pulling me in for a hug. I didn't feel anything, I just fell limp. "Honey I'm going to find the doctor" she told her, and left. When she came back the doctor followed suit.

My aunt pulled me aside "listen Carter I know this is hard, but I talked to the doctor and she said the chances of your father waking up are slim to none. He has no brain activity and she said there was way too much damage done at the accident" I just nodded. "Dad told me he never wanted to be like this if it came to it, I understand" and with that my aunt signed the papers. Signed the papers saying that my father was dead. He wasn't coming back.

I didn't want to watch so I said my goodbyes and I left the room.

I had no one. I was completely alone.

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