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Hey guys! I stopped writing for awhile, so sorry! But I decided to come back and update this book. I've decided to rewrite the three chapters already written! Hope you enjoy

How does one deal with heartbreak? For me it was sitting at home on the couch watching reruns of the office, eating ice cream, and balling my eyes out. I guess that wasn't the healthiest way to cope. I mean we were together for 2 years, he was my first heartbreak. I knew no other way.

It's crazy how one-sided love could be. One second he's whispering sweet things in your ear and holding you in his arms, the next he's breaking your heart into millions of pieces.

He was everything to me. He said the kindest things, treated me right. He made me feel special. I loved him before I even loved myself.

He did in front of the whole school. Most of them were laughing and some just looked at me with pity. He didn't have an explanation. He said "it's just not working out." I was sobbing, asking him why but he never answered. It was like he found comfort in my misery. There was no trace of sadness in his voice, it's like this didn't affect him at all. It made me angry. 2 years. I was head over heels for this guy for 2 years. And he ended it cause 'it just wasn't working out.'

Everyone thought he was too good for me. He's the high school's favorite jock and I was no one. I wasn't the prettiest girl or the smartest, I didn't play any sport, I was no one. But he made me feel like everything.

I want him to pay. I want him to regret ever embarrassing me. I want to show him that I'm too good for him.

Watch out, Daniel.

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