vengance- 2

201 12 2

Tessa Brooks

Ugh. I really couldn't catch a break today.

"You need a ride?" He asked smirking at me.

"From you? No thanks." I replied scowling.

"Don't be stubborn, just get your ass in the car before you get sick."

I started to consider it. My house was at least a 25 minutes walk away and the rain was coming down harder.

"Fine. But don't try anything, Lawley. Take me straight home."

"Whatever you want, princess." He said with a sly smirk. I just wanted to go home.

About half-way into the car ride, I realized I didn't give him my address. Then, I realized that the way we were going wasn't the way to my house. That was the moment I realized I may or may not be getting kidnapped right now.

"Kian.." I say slowly. I don't know what to do in a situation like this. Do I open the windows and scream for help? Do I try and convince him that it's not too late to turn back?

"Yeah.." he replied with the same tone.

"Um.. this isn't the way to my house." I say.

"I know." He turns to say to me and then focuses on the road. Yup, I'm for sure getting kidnapped. With that being the only thought in my head I did the most rational thing I thought of.. I screamed. I opened the windows and let it out.


"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Kian said while looking at me angrily. Well shit. I just angered my kidnapper.

"You won't get away with this, okay? They'll find me-" again I was cut off by Kian.

"I wasn't kidnapping you. I was actually going to do something nice and buy you ice cream."

"Why would you do that?" His answer was more shocking than the possibility of him kidnapping me.

"Because I need to talk to you about something. And I decided that it would be better if you had ice cream while I asked you. So, stop being so dramatic, shut up, and close the goddamn window." Kian said a little irritated.

"Well, you could've told me that. I would never turn down ice cream. But what is it you have to ask me?" I asked curiously.

"Like I said, I'd rather you have ice cream while I ask you."

We arrived at the ice cream place and I was instantly excited. I mean how could I not be ? It's free ice cream.

I got strawberry ice cream and he got vanilla. We sat down in a booth and I immediately asked him what he had to tell me.

"Look, before I ask you I need you to promise me you'll keep an open mind." He says cautiously, geez, is it that bad ?

"Alright, whatever. Just tell me already." I was getting impatient.

"I need you to be my fake girlfriend." he said nervously.

I bursted out laughing. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked him, not expecting an answer, while still laughing my ass off.

"Tessa. Listen to me.. stop laughing.. it's not funny. This is serious" He says while I'm giggling.

"Okay, Okay. Go ahead." I say with a chuckle, wiping a tear from my eye.

"This is how we get revenge on Daniel. Cmon, what's a better way to get revenge. His ex, who he's still hung up on, dating the person he hates most." Thats when I completely sobered up. It wasn't a bad idea, it might actually work but me and Kian? Its not believable and the only person I hate other than Tyler is Kian.

"No, Kian. It's ridiculous. It won't work."

"I know you don't think that. It's a genius idea. Just think about it." He replied with a soft smile.

"Okay. Let's say we do it, what about your girlfriend?" I ask him. Vanessa was a living barbie doll. She was a cheerleader and she cared more about her outfits than her grades. She was beautiful, no doubt, but she was the most rude, boring person you could ever meet.

"We're not together." He said looking down. I wonder if he actually liked her.

"Okay. We all know that won't last." I reply with an eye roll. It's crazy how many times they've broken up and gotten back together. Make up your minds!

"I promise you, it's over. We won't get back together." He looked sad as he said it. Were they actually in love with each other? It had to be something more than a meaningless relationship.

I gave the plan a little more thought until I finally decided. "Fine. How do we do this?"


I suck at updating. I am so sorry lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2019 ⏰

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