I'm really sorry

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Hi guys, not an update.

actually, there won't be any more updates. I'm discontinuing all my fanfics. :(

It'd been really nice at first, and it was a good way to improve my writing, but it's not the same anymore.

firstly, I've found the wattpad community to be really toxic and creepy at times, and although i know it's not everyone, associating myself with wattpad has led to me being compared to these people.

secondly, haikyuu!! isn't really my favourite thing anymore. i really used to love anime, particularly haikyuu!!, but I suppose i've moved on from it now. i'm no longer inspired to write these fanfics, but the stories I've started to write all mean something to me, so i'll keep them published.

I have told the plot for painting tulips, but I didn't have a plot for this fanfic. It was just a make-it-up-as-you-go-along kind of thing. Wouldn't recommend.

I'm sorry if I've disappointed anyone. Goodbye guys

-H x

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