Chapter 2: The Arctic Base

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Collin walked in the room and gave me a hug. "What are you doing here?" He asked me, and I stood completely still, not able to say a thing.

He looked over at the blonde guy and walked over to him. "I...What happened to you? You just disappeared, and your brother forgot about you for some reason." I said nervously, not sure how he'd react to that.

He looked at me and shrugged. "Yeah...I'll explain later." He said before the blonde guy woke up and looked at Collin. "Who are you?!" The blonde guy shouted before jumping out of the bed.

"Relax! I'm Collin, this is Will." Collin said, gesturing to me. The blonde guy looked over at me, and I looked away nervously.

"I'm Grayson, how did I get here?" The blonde guy said as he got up. Collin looked at him and shrugged. "I wish I knew, it was the same for me." He said, and I looked at him surprised.

Grayson looked at me, and I was sure he was just looking at my eye patch, so I looked at Collin. "So, where are we?" I asked.

"We're...on an oil rig in the middle of the Arctic." Collin said. I put my hand on my face and groaned as Grayson looked at Collin in surprise. "What?!" Grayson shouted, and guy wearing a beanie came into the room. "What's going on?" He asked.

"Luke! Calm down, it's just my old friend from school and someone new." Collin said, and the person apparently called Luke relaxed from his fighting stance and looked at me. "You're Will?" He asked me, and I nodded nervously. "Collin's mentioned you a few times. He said you were his best friend." Luke said with a smile, and I glanced at Collin slightly embarrassed.

Collin looked at me and smiled nervously, then we all walked into the main room with a table and the separate rooms, and there were two extra rooms. "These rooms are for you guys, so make yourself at home." Collin said, and Grayson went into his room without saying anything.

"Don't worry, he'll come around." Luke said before going into his room. Collin looked at me and motioned me to come into the computer room. I sat down in a chair and sighed while Collin looked out of a window. "Listen Will, I'm sorry all this happened. I just..." He glanced at me before looking back out the window. "I didn't expect you to be here too." He finished his sentence.

I looked at him and noticed his eyes were a bit weird looking, almost as if he was wearing contacts. "I guess I should get some sleep." I said as I went to my room, and he nodded. I laid down in my new bed and took off my eye patch. I stared at the ceiling and felt weird. My whole life had been boring and useless, and then I'd been thrown into this crazy thing. First Collin did something to whatever made my left eye white, then I nearly killed everyone in my class with magic, and now I was on an oil rig with Collin and two other people I don't even know. All I knew is that I needed to get some sleep, and I quickly fell asleep with a stinging feeling in my eye.

*HE is here, I have to leave. I don't know where to go, and I'm all alone. I feel...I feel...


I woke up early in the morning and realized I didn't have to go to school. As far as I was concerned, I didn't have any. I got up and picked up my eye patch, looking at my reflection in the window. "Huh, I've always wondered why my eye is white. I guess I'll never know." I said to myself before I put on my eye patch and left my room.

"Hey Will, how did you sleep?" Collin asked me as I sat down at the table. I looked at him and simply shrugged. "I don't know, okay I guess." I said before putting my head down.

He walked over and sat across from me. "It's alright, I felt the same way when I first got here with Luke." He said with a smile. I nodded and looked over in the computer lab, and I saw Grayson looking through a computer with Luke. "So, what have you guys been doing?" I asked.

"Well, we don't really have anywhere to go so we've been keeping the oil rig running for the past month." Collin said as Grayson came into the room and sat next to me.

Grayson looked at me and held out his hand. "Sorry for not saying anything to you yesterday. I'm Grayson." He said before I shook his hand. "Will, and it's nice to meet you." I said nervously, not sure what else to say.

Collin got up, went into his room, and came out with winter clothing. "Listen, I have to go check out something around the rig, I'll be right back. I'll have a head cam so you can keep an eye on me on the computer." He said as he left the building, and we went into the computer room and found Luke sitting at one of the computers.

"How is he doing?" Grayson asked as I looked at the monitor and saw Collin's camera in a cave. "Where is he?" I asked. "He's in a cave near the oil rig. He thinks it might have something we can use, which I don't understand why." Luke said in a sarcastic voice. I looked back at the monitor and saw the screen was a little static. "What's going on? It shouldn't do that." He added, and the screen went to complete static. "Damnit! I'm going down there!" He quickly ran out of the room and left the building, but he never came back, and neither did Collin.

[B] ~Three days later~

I sat with Grayson in the oil rig later and set up the machine, then he looked at me and sighed. "Will, you haven't said anything to me since Collin and Luke disappeared. Could you at least say something?" Grayson said with a concerned look on his face.

I snapped and looked straight at him. "Alright, what do you want me to say? I have nothing to say to someone I don't even know!" I shouted, not realizing that my left eye was glowing under my eye patch.

"What is that?" He asked, and I took off my eye patch. He looked at my eye in shock, and I walked out of the rig to see a gigantic blizzard had started. "Grayson!" I shouted before I put my eye patch back on. He ran out of the rig and we ran back to the building.

The blizzard hadn't stopped for three years, until a new pair of guys showed up. That was when things got really interesting.

The Willverse: Williambrine Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now