What Are We Going To Do?

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hey people! i hope that you guys are enjoying the story even though when i'm writing this there aren't really any readers so i'm pretty much just talking to myself but anyway i hope you like the chapter, enjoy!

Keiths POV

" Keith, what are we going to do?" the Lance part of us asked my part. I didn't really know what we were going to do while we were like this and i had no clue of what our name was going to be or what room we were going to sleep in or any of those things. Right now i'm just confused about how this all happened and whats going to happen now that were like this. " I don't know, i really don't." i said to his part. "Whats our name?" he asked me. I didn't really know what our name was going to be but i knew that we had to have one. this might take more getting used to than i expected. While i was thinking i started to hear  other thoughts and they weren't mine but i think that they were, Lance's? What are we going to do!? i just wanted to finish the mission, get a little praise from the Tamarien's and come home and do my face routine but nooo i couldn't do that, that would be to easy! why did i have to get stuck fused to my rival!? definitely Lance's thoughts but wait if i can hear his can he hear mine? hmmm i wonder.........Lance is the crappiest person for me to fuse with! Why did it have to be him, why not Shiro or Pidge or someone who i actually like!? Why my rival of all people!? I thought. i wanted to see if  he could hear my thoughts or if i could just hear his because if he could hear mine then i might have to start thinking less. "Hey why are there other voices in my head and why are they so mean?!" he could definitely hear my thoughts. "Because i can hear your thoughts and i wanted to see if you could hear mine and apparently you can so we both might want to be careful of what we think." well then i probably shouldn't think about the time i was rummaging through his things and i found his diary and kept it. I was pissed. i have been looking for my dream journal for a week now and  he had had it this whole time! shit that means, oh my god! i hope he hasn't gotten to the most recent ones! "YOU DID WHAT NOW! I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR MY DREAM JOURNAL FOR A WEEK AND YOU'VE BEEN READING IT!" he was dead as soon as we unfused!

Lance's POV

"What's the most recent dreams about huh?" i wish i hadn't thought that but now i'm curious as to whats in the more recent entry's. "NOTHING! you shouldn't have taken my journal and why where you going through my stuff in the first place!?" he was pissed i could tell and so was i? we were pissed? wait if were fused and we can hear each others thoughts then maybe we can also feel each others feelings! "Of course we can idiot, were one person now!" we thought/said. "Any way enough about MY  journal, we need to go and figure out a name okay?!" he was still mad about the journal thing but he decided to drop it although i am going to figure out whats in those last few entry's because i haven't gotten that far yet. "Okay so what do you think our name should be?" i questioned, "I don't know! Maybe Pidge or the others might have some ideas." his part said to mine. "Okay, then why don't we go ask them." we got up from the bed , which took some doing, and headed down the hall to the lab where Coran, Pidge, Hunk and Allura were working on how to unfuse us.

Keith's POV

We walked into the lab and everyone but Pidge looked up, she was to compelled with something on her computer to look up at who had just walked into the room where they all were working. "Hey guys, we need your help deciding on a name." we said to them. Pidge sat straight (which Keith will never understand because hes GAY as all fuck) up and turned toward us. She gave us the creepiest smile and whispered, "Klance......" i could barely hear it but it was there. I didn't know how she came up with a name so fast but i think that we both kinda liked it. "I don't mind it what about you Keith?" Lance's part asked. "I kinda like it." Allura and Coran were looking at us with confused faces (con-FUSED faces! hahaha i'm a genius!). "Wow that looks weird when you talk to each other through the same mouth." Coran said after a little while. "Opps sorry we'll try not to do that anymore," we said. "So anyway i guess our new name is Klance if everyone's okay with calling us that?" Pidge looked back at what she was doing and blood started to drip from her face. She must've been having yet another nose bleed. She gets those often when Lance and I are around her, i don't know why though. Allura and Coran nodded in agreement and Hunk just ran out of the room to get Pidge some tissues for her nose. We went to go tell Shiro what to call us while we were fused together. We walked out of the room to go and look for him around the castle. Walking was awkward and the both of us couldn't decide on where to go first so we kept tripping over our own feet. We finally deiced to check the cafeteria first and head that way. It takes some doing but we get there, we look inside and nothings there except some empty plates from lunch that need washing. Next we decide to go to his room to see if hes thinking or sleeping. We walk down the long corridor and arrive at his door. We knock and no one answers, as we leave a tired Shiro walks out and looks at us. "Did you need something?" he asks us with sleep in his voice. "Yeah we just wanted to tell you that our new name is Klance and we just wanted to let you know that we will probably be like this for a month or more." we said to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2018 ⏰

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