The Motherless

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The Motherless

Sometimes I sit on  the edge of the world.

And I wait for you.

I long for you.

You used to wipe away my tears

and you would destroy all my fears

your hand would hold mine

I miss you

Do you miss me?

They say I look like you

and I hope i do.

But standing in the mirror I’m not as beautiful.

They all pity me with a sappy ‘oh you Poor-thing’

you made daddy cry

and sometimes I cry.

You left us…

I’m angry with you.

I lost your pearl necklace,

the one you wore everyday.

And I can’t play the piano like you.

And sometimes I curse--under my breath--you never did

And my words aren’t always so kind.

Still daddy says I’m becoming like you.

It’s lonely on the edge of the world,

while I watch the black universe,

wondering what’s behind it.

Do you know that I ache to be as beautiful as you?

Do you know I miss your hand holding mine?

And you’re pearls, and your playing, and your voice

and your smile?

Do you know that I’m now a poor-thing?

Do you know that, I miss you mom?

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