Loki - Hamilton

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A/N: Sorry if you don't like Hamilton or don't listen to it. If you want you could change everything to something that you listen to as you read. I'm still not really good at ending fan fictions, so the end of this probably seems quite pointless and choppy.

"How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a Scotsman..." Hamilton started blaring throughout the tower.
"CODE HAMILTON! I REPEAT WE HAVE A CODE HAMILTON!!" Tony shouted over the noise of the music.
Everyone scattered. This happened every once and a while. Most of the time I listen to Hamilton through my headphones, sitting on the balcony, but other times I just can't help but to blast it everywhere in the tower. Everyone except Loki had experienced "Code Hamilton" as they called it. Everyone hates it, but they all have different reactions. Clint hides in the vents whilst screaming. Natasha goes around screaming and trying to break the speakers. Pietro speeds out as fast as he can run with Wanda in his arms. Bucky and Steve roll around on the floor with their hands clamped over their ears. Tony just drinks a lot. Bruce leaves immediately so he doesn't Hulk out. Thor often leaves via Mjolnir. What do I do? I run around and belt out every word to the best of my ability.
Everyone did their normal things, but Loki just sat on the couch looking around at everyone in the lounge. He was so confused. Poor Loki. And here's my cue.
"I AM NOT THROWING AWAY MY SHOT!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs while bouncing around the room.
This was so fun! It always is. For me at least. The others hate Hamilton. Loki still sat with a perplexed look spread across his face. He sat through the whole musical. No one in the tower, other than me of course, has been able to do that without freaking out. He sat through the torrid affair and the guns and the ships and the death at the number seven and all of the other things that Hamilton contains.
    When it was over I sat curled up in the fetal position in the corner bawling as the people that remained in the tower walked in the room. They all sat down next to me and whispered comforting words to help calm me. Even though I had just ruined their day they still loved me like I was part of their family. They couldn't stand to see me like this.
    When my body was devoid of tears I stood up and slowly slumped somberly into the couch and laid my head on Loki's lap not caring about the strange stares everyone including Loki gave me. I might have a teeny tiny crush on him. Well, it was more like a huge crush that filled my entire being.
    Well enough about that stuff and back to reality. Oh wow I feel like Deadpool now. Anyways Loki started to stroke my head gently as the others giggled. I guess if I was them I would do the same. I was just so tired and my brain was still muddled from Hamilton that I just decided to lay on Loki. Good choice. My eyes started to close and I drifted off into a nice nap.

-Time Skip-

I woke up on my bed with a note on my nightstand. I immediately recognized the hand writing as the god of mischief's.
"I brought you back to your bed when you fell asleep. It appears to me that you are quite fond of me, and I would like to say that I am rather fond of you as well. Wooing you has been a dream of mine for some time now. Sleep well my darling. When you wake please come to my chambers. I would like to talk with you."
What did he mean that he was fond of me? Does he like me? He wants to woo me? I walked down the empty halls to his room and knocked softly on the door. It swung open smoothly and quickly. Loki smiled sheepishly and ushered me into his room. It was very comforting and simple for being Loki's room. The door shut softly and he sat on his fluffy bed.
"Do you actually like me, or did you act like that earlier because of that music you were listening to? It was rather dramatic at the end," Loki stared into your (E/C) eyes with his gleaming emerald orbs.
"I really do like you. Hamilton just makes me unable to judge my own actions for some time after Phillip and Alexander die," you mumbled while shifting your gaze to the floor. "It's kinda like being drunk I guess."
Loki smiled and pulled you onto the bed with him, and he lightly kissed your cheek. Your face was redder than Tony's suit as you leaned your head against his shoulder.

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