Chapter 24 - The Chosen One's Child

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Chapter 21 - The Chosen One's Child

Harry returned back to Hogwarts shorty after the birth of his newborn son leaving Hermione and Ron with Ginny whilst she recouperated. He was feeling stangely calm considering what had happened, but he still felt guilty that he hadn't told Ginny that they had to end things. He didn't dare. Not so soon after the birth of their son.

He made his way towards the Gryffindor common room, careful to avoid any conversations with his nosey classmates. He didn't think that he'd be able to answer happily enough if they asked him questions. He regetted having a child, especially at his age, but there was nothing he could do about it and he was determined to make things right.

He slipped through the portrait and made his way towards the red sofas in the centre of the Gryffindor common room. Sighing, he sunk down into one of the chairs and lent back, closing his eyes. He was exhausted. Who knew that having a child was so stressful?

Just as he felt himself dozing off, someone cleared their throat and Harry groaned running a hand through his messy black hair. Why couldn't anyone see that he just wanted to be left alone?

"Look if you're going to ask any stupid questions about the baby, then you're not going to be getting a reply," Harry said, not bothering to open his eyes and see who the person was.

"How's Ginny?" a gruff voice asked.


Instantly Harry's eyes snapped open and he glared up at the tall boy in front of him. "As if you don't know already. "She's probably been sending you owls constantly," he snipped, grinning in triumph as shock flickered in Dean's eyes.

"How did you find out about us?" Dean gasped, turning slightly red with embarrassment.

"I didn't know for sure, but you've just told me all I need to know," Harry remarked, settling back against the chair again.

"Are you not even going to say anything?" Dean asked, looking surprised.

"There's nothing to say."

"I've been sleeping with your girlfriend, and you've got nothing to say?"

Harry instantly sat back up straight - his back erect - as he glared coldly at Dean Thomas.

"You've been what?!" he growled, his fists clenching into tight curls.

"This isn't the right time to be bringing this up now ..." Dean said, trailing off as he saw anger flash through Harry's eyes.

"No?" Harry questioned, raising an eyebrow. "So when is the right time to bring it up then?"

"Harry, let's not make a big deal out of this."

"Not ... a ... big ... deal? YOU SLEPT WITH MY GIRLFRIEND DEAN! YOU'RE MEANT TO BE MY FRIEND AND YOU SLEPT WITH MY GIRLFRIEND!" Harry roared, not noticing that they were drawing a crowd of gawking Gryffindors.

Dean, who had noticed, turned a deep shade of maroon and seemed to shrink slightly as he stared back at Harry. "I love her, man," he said softly as he waited for Harry's reaction.

"What did she say to you? Did she say she loved you back?" Harry asked, his voice softening slightly.

Dean stayed quiet, looking at the floor.

"Well?" Harry prompted.



"She said she loved me once, but she still loves you," Dean said, sounding jealous. "Why does she love a specky scrawny git when she could love me?" he almost screamed, anger building up inside him. "She keeps banging on about it being your kid, but she can't be sure of that!"

Harry's temper flared. "If she says it's mine then it has to be. She wouldn't lie."

"She lied about our affair didn't she?" Dean snapped, grinning triumphantly as Harry recoiled slightly.

"You're an asshole, Dean. She doesn't deserve you!"

"So who does she deserve, Harry? You? You claim to love her, but you keep sending her mixed signals. She told me all about the way you messed with her head!"

"I do love her! Just not the same way anymore!"

"Then tell her that!" Dean screamed.

"I have."

Dean almost fell over in surprise. "And what did she say?"

"She wouldn't let me talk about it," Harry replied plainly.

"I bet you anything the kid's mine," Dean said, spitting out his words. "Just you wait and see."


So another chapter down. I know it's only short, but I'm still revising for my very last exam (Physics ... boo!) but hopefully when my summer officially starts, the chapters will get longer again. I'm excited to be able to write properly again without any distractions of school.

So yeah, at the end of this story I will probably go back and edit all of the chapters again to make sure I correct any typos or wrong spellings. I might even add extra bits to each chapter so you might be interested in that. If not then I hope you continue wanting to read this story and I'm excited to see how you guys react to the rest of the story.

So again I am sorry for not being able to write huge amounts, but I'm doing my very best.


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Emma xx

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