Chapter 2

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Death. Death knocked on my doorstep that day. We would all perish in the flames of hell. Hell in the form of freakish monsters of mass death. The monstrosity looked at me with its blood-red eyes that had the look of hellfire in them. I couldn't move; frozen by terror. I wanted to run or shout out for help, but my pleas would bring me the grim reaper himself.

It charged at me swinging it's arms wildly knocking backwards into a wall. I heard the connection between me and the wall and my head slumped down. The creature loomed forward and opened it's jaws to reveal rows upon rows of sharp twisted and very pointy teeth. I noted that it had teeth on top of it's teeth. A horrified look fell upon me and it picked me up by my arms and was lifting me in the air.

I tried to wriggle free from it, but no such luck. Then, it dropped me and ran off. I hit the floor hard but decided to quickly get up. I started to limp a bit and found myself running for an odd reason towards the main hallway in my school. Then, I found that an all out fight had broke out between students and the creatures. Most were easily torn apart, there body parts flung left and right, limbs were being munched on and I felt sick after witnessing one such event. "Where do I go?" I asked myself just to keep my mind straight. I thought long and hard. "Oh right! The elevator that's to the left..of...the..main hallway. Well shit."

"Time to go!" I than ran off towards the center of the hallway but I constantly tripped over parts of the people that were killed. "Alright almost there..." I skidded in front of a large one that was skinny and had the longest arms and legs I have ever seen with a hunched-over back to complete it. It stared at me and I felt its gaze that had the intention to kill. It swung it's branch like arms at me but I ducked under them and continued to run. Looking back, I gasped with fright. It leaped to the ceiling and clung to it and proceeded to crawl along it and jumped right back in front of me. It grabbed me by my legs and I flipped upside down. Trying to look at it I noticed a sicking smile with all of its teeth showing. I closed my eyes and waited for the end.

The one thing Nathaniel didn't realize was that these creatures were different depending on how they looked. This one also known as "The Elongated" does not kill its prey but torments it. Unfortunately due to *static* it appears to have changed its behavior. This may cause confusion within the creatures mind so it may release him. Just like last time the creature dropped me and once again ran off. "Glad that's over." It actually wasn't over, more or less, far from it. I kept going but more tried to come at me and I was petrified by the amount off death they had caused. Then a thought came to mind. Why keep going? Why try to escape? You'll only make it worse. Stop the pain. Stop the agony. You don't have to be afraid any more. You don't have to witness this any longer. Just stop. Stop. STOP!!!! Just... Give... In.

I can't. I won't. I must keep going. To live. To be out of this hell hole. Fool. Fine I don't care go dig you're grave. It would be better to stop here. But if you feel like marching towards worse things go right ahead. Before I go, just a fair warning. What will come next will stick with you forever. Oh and something else, please make sure you make the "correct" choices. You don't want something happening now do you?

With my mind clear I ran at them and maneuvered around there swinging arms and kicking legs, turning left and getting to the hallway with the elevator. Then I heard crying in the room next to where I was standing. I peeked in and saw someone familiar. It was Thomas hiding behind desks he must have moved to barricade himself in, and a shadow creature lurking towards him, it's mouth wide open dripping some form of saliva. I cautiously walked in but remembered something. Two words that will stick with me forever, correct choices.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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