Origami Hearts

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An art crafted with precise care and instruction, creating beautiful shapes, animals, and various other possibilities. You start with a sheet of paper, decorated or plain, and turn it into a beautiful treasure. It stands proud, beautiful, confident, and strong, withstanding the pressure of all who hold it in their hands. Unafraid to tackle challenges, no matter the risk. That is a heavy price few people are willing to take, sacrificing the folds that made them stand firm.

But what if you were to take a finished work of art and deconstruct it?

They come undone, like anything experiencing reverse engineering.

Every flaw, fear, insecurity—everything—is forced to surface, showing all who gaze upon them their insides, honest emotions, and genuine inner self. 

No secrets. 

No lies. 

Only pure honesty.

Not only do they place their well-being on the line for others, they risk unraveling the strings of their souls. Once their creases are peeled away and unfolded, darkness consumes them. They once refused to succumb to the darkness within, only for their will to chip away piece by piece. Water begins to drip onto them, testing their durability and endurance before drenching them in agony, insisting they come undone.

Until a beacon of light shines through the darkness, guiding them into the light for a brighter future and strength to fight. It didn't matter if the beacon mustered its final amount of energy to save a friend, they had a chance to save a life.

What happens after the origami withstands drowning in water, making their way into the light of salvation? What happens to the beacon after its last light has illuminated the origami?

All possible outcomes depend on the strength remaining inside them both, coming together to form an unbreakable bond. A bond that refuses to break despite any obstacle or misfortune. A bond loyal to stand by their side in time of need or despair. A bond questioning the entirety of any connection joining anyone and anything together.

The beacon shelters the origami from the rain so that its paper does not wilt.

The origami molds its creases over the beacon to provide warmth from the bitter cold.

Somehow, despite the differences between them, they remain the same: how beautiful they stand alone bearing the love and strength harbored for one another, promising endless years of an everlasting bond.

Hearts, like origami, are fragile, created with precise and intricate care. Both need proper care to ensure nothing inside the structure is faulty, heeding caution with every action. When harm storms their way, they summon the strength to withstand anything.

From heavy rains to droughts.

And the evil within obliterated by light.

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