Chapter one:The place where I called home...

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Waking up to me isn't that bad I mean since I really don't go to that thing called "school" I isn't really that bad. I mean to me the people that go to "School" are really lucky. But don't miss understand me i went to "school" before too it just I stoped once my  mom died and dad left. That means at 18. So I've learned a good amount of things.

Anyways I get up and go look at my sister and smile. She is like my sunshine in these dark days. Anyways while she is still sleeping I have a chance to get ready for work, that means, take a shower, brush my teeth, put clothes on, and give this girl to my friends Memo before my sister wakes up. 

So that's what I do but...before I chould put my shoes on I hear my sister crying. Oh no! I say to my self running to her bedroom. It didn't take me that long because this is a small house. 

"Shhh shhh I'm here its ok it's ok..." I go on that for a few minutes. Then check the time. Ahhh it 10:00! I need to get to work by 10:10.

I really fast run out the door with my shoes. Once I get to the foster house I quickly say hi.

"Hey Memo." I say laying my sister down.

"Hey hey you need to go I'll take it from here." She say and I run out.

" She say and I run out

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I run so fast I could feel my head not catching up with me. But there was one thing that I always notice even without thinking I know it even without looking I know it.

That place, that place where I CALLED home passed by me. I turn away from that house as a tear...leaves my eye.

            The place where I called home, is now never my home.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2018 ⏰

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