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Dear diary,
This is Dillon again..I know i'm here a lot but I really need someone to talk to..they still haven't stopped i've tried to talk to people but they don't seem to listen when I tell them "I want to kill myself" why? because people are terrible my parents don't pay attention to me half the time they don't ask me how i'm feeling or how school is going when I got to the guidance counselor he doesn't seem to listen to me when i'm literally asking for help. Maybe today is the day i'll do it. Get the rope,get the chair tie the rope somewhere sturdy and just  do it after so many times I thought about doing it maybe today's the day. I got the things I needed then wrote my mother a note "Dear mom,I love you with all my heart and this wasn't your fault kids are just mean and don't know when to stopped I asked for help and no one listened so I thought this was the best way out..by the time you're reading this i'll be gone..once again I love you and this isn't your fault. Love Dillon and hung the noose up and rapped it around my neck and stood on the chair and kicked it over. I took my last breaths as I saw the world around me as I know it go black and I hear screaming and then nothing at all I was afraid but I saw the light and saw my grandma I wasn't afraid anymore I wasn't suffering anymore but all the kids that were picking on me got what they wanted..they wanted me dead so I did them a favor.

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