chapter 1 || first impressions

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    The phrase "it's not as scary as it looks" was a saying that didn't spark to my mind as I take my first glance at the campus. This is where I'm going to be spending my next 3 years, I'm kind of freaking out. The beam of the sun shines drastically bright into my eyes, blinding me from the sight of the pathway. I'm greeted by the front entrance by a welcoming smile, a tall, old skinny man wearing a navy blue blazer with short grey hair paces towards me.
"Principal Watkins of Denhouse University." He projects in a posh, English accent. "You must be our new student, Jade green?" He asks. I nod my head anxiously, biting down on my lip whilst tapping my feet fearfully.
    I'm directed to my dorm area and handed a map, showing multiple drawn pathways to my particular lessons, proving convenient to my forgetful ways. It springs to my mind now that I'll be having a roommate. Somebody I'll most likely be sharing a room with for the next 3 years. This is quite a bit deal!
    Once I reach the registration desk, I'm handed a key straight away, due to the lack of surrounding students waiting, they must've known I was coming. The only students I see are two jocks chewing gum beside the window, glaring at me with beady eyes.
    Hauling my heavy suitcase, I finally reach room 274, the top floor of the campus dormitory house. Plummeting straight for the door, to see the most explicit and unplanned sight I'd seen for a long time. A girl with long blonde hair, wrapped into a bun in her bare underwear and bra as she scans the room in search of her clothes. As soon as she notices me, her face becomes a dark shade of pink, I can almost match her face colour to the thought of what mine is probably like.
     "I'm so sorry!" I cry. Placing my hands in front of my face as I shut the door behind me. What a bad impression I've made. The room smells of fresh lemon and strawberries as I near closer inside.
"Honestly don't worry about it, you just caught me off guard that's all." She giggles cutely, causing me to blush brightly again, still undressed. "I'm Maddie by the way, I'm
Guessing you're my new roommate?" She grins.
"That's right." I smile weakly, embarrassed by the impression I just gave of her.
    As I speak with Maddie for quite some time, I notice a red mark across the left side of her cheek, along with a faint bruising line on her wrist. I'm reluctant to ask her about it, as I'm
Sure it's personal. But it gets me wondering.
    Something about Maddie makes me feel something I never have before, despite my lack of vocabulary to respond to her long and interesting stories with, she has a way of making me feel something I've never felt before, and I don't know what it is.
"So what course are you doing here." I ask as our conversation ends.
"I'm taking a course in drama." She grins excitedly, sparking me an almost instant reaction of happiness as i am too.
"Me too!" I grin excitedly. Hoping it may give us more chance to connect.
   We talk for hours, until 1am at least. I eventually decide to go to sleep so that I can start my first lesson on a fresh mind tomorrow.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 25, 2018 ⏰

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