Batman: Sons of Gotham

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"Run a locater on that phone call and send its location!" Batman yelled to Alfred as he ran to his motorcycle. "If he even touches a hair on his head," Batman thought. An elevator in the Bat cave lifted him to the exit. It wasn't but 10 seconds until Alfred called over the radio, "The call was made just outside of Gotham near Black Gate."

Batman sped off; all that could be seen was a black blur shadowing Gotham streets.

"Hang in there, Robin, I'm on my way."

Batman began to wear the guilt as if this mess were his fault; He thought about the first time he and Jason had met.

Bruce had stopped to meet an old friend in Grant Park. When he went back to his car he saw him. He had a familiar face, Bruce recognized him from days before in a street fight against 3 men in an alley in Park Row. These men all ranged twice his size and possibly his weight. Each delivered several devastating blows to the young man, but his heart didn't let him give up. Before Batman could intervene this young man countered and disarmed one of the three men holding a lead pipe and beat him with it. A second man attempted to charge him, but Jason threw his knee up as high as he could and connected to the thugs jaw. The third had a knife, and even though Batman had confidence in the bruised young man, he jumped down from his position and watched the thug flee. The young man walked to pick up his war torn jacket off of the wet ground.

"Thanks for trying Bats, I already kicked their asses."

"You're pretty fearless, where did you learn that?"

"I was raised in Gotham, where do you think I learned it? You know for being Gotham's protector you're a little…"

The young man turned around and saw no one there.

"Late", he finished as he staggered home.

The young man Bruce recognized from the street fight stood tired, sweaty and with a slim jim in hand. Bruce smiled and said, "You've been doing this a long time haven't you?"

He stood quiet and Bruce spoke again.

"You got into the car without the alarm sounding, you're pretty good… well minus the fact that I saw you eyeing this thing when I got here."

"Wait, you knew I was trying to get in here?"

"Well you made it obvious kid"

"And you're not mad?"

"I know what Gotham's like… Trust me. All too well, and I think you do too. Listen, what's your name?"


"I'll tell you what Jason, you give all that you took back to me and I'll make sure you'll never have to steal again."

"Bull shit guy, who do you think you are?"

Bruce laughed as he opened the door to his elegant sports car.

"I'm Bruce Wayne."

Jason jumped in the car in shock.

"So what do you feel like today Bruce? Lobster? Steak? Lobster Stuffed Steak?"

Bruce laughed at the boy's suggestions.

"You like steak? Have you ever had Wagyu steak?"

That afternoon they had lunch and got to know each other. Jason was smart, witty and could eat like a football team. Bruce saw the potential in him from day one and from that point on they built a friendship that was unbreakable.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2014 ⏰

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