...And Shining Armour

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            Marcus Pedrotti is the owner of one of the hugest chains of Italian restaurants, Pedrotti’s. He is planning to step down from his role as CEO and pass it over to the current Vice CEO, Arielle Pedrotti, his daughter. Before he steps down he wants to take his company to the next level. He had already planned on moving his restaurants into the hotel industry and had even shared his idea with his longtime business partner and friend, William Knight, upon William’s decision to step down as CEO from Knights Inn, whom had thought it was a phenomenal idea. The new CEO of Knight Inn, Julian Knight, Willliam’s son, has agreed to the proposition asked by his father as his last wish for the company-to open up a Pedrotti’s in every future Knights Inn hotel built. To prove to Marcus that she is ready to take on the role as CEO, Arielle must work alongside Julian to complete this task. She and Julian must work together, for the time required, to open up the first of the many future Knights Inn hotels that will now hold one of the best Italian restaurants in every one of their future hotels, Pedrotti’s.

         Will Arielle be able to complete this task in order to become CEO, the position she has worked so hard to get to? Can this job be completed or will Julian and Arielle both fail at completing the task set upon them by their fathers? As they work together to complete this job they will discover many things about themselves and by the end of this journey together they will come out differently then when they started. The question isn’t why, its what caused this change. Could it be because of a new understanding between the two or is it something much deeper…maybe love? 

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