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I was now sitting in an ambulance, covered with a blue blanket. The doors were opened and my legs were hanging off. I shivered from the cold and shifted around a bit, thinking of what happened about an hour ago.

The wind seemed to have stopped when the strange man who called himself Death was here. Now, it was freezing and the wind was howling. I would've said the man was a hallucination from the shock of killing a man but the thing was, I saw him before I killed the man, standing between two large trees. I quickly glanced over to see if the man was still there.

I didn't know what to think. The man could actually be Death. That would explain the light he pulled out of the dead man's body. But Death... wasn't a person. Death was a moment, a state of being, a silence. Death wasn't a cloaked man who came and grabbed souls. That would be one of God's angels who did that.

I reached for the damp cloth they gave me which was now cold due to the wind. I pressed it up against my forehead. The blood was mostly off me but my skin felt like it was burning up for some reason.

A man in a blue hat walked over and handed me a cup. I took it and glanced down, identifying it as hot chocolate from the smell. I nodded gratefully.

"Hello, miss. I'm Officer Lawful and if you don't mind, I would like to ask you some questions about what happened tonight," he said and smiled softly at me. 

"Yes. Sure. You can," I stuttered with different answers. The man didn't seem to care, nodding his head before opening his notepad and pressing record on his tape recorder. This town was an old town and many of us did things the old-fashioned way.

"What were you doing out here in the parking lot?" Officer Lawful asked while looking me straight in the eye. I looked away because the way he was staring into my soul made me almost forget the question.

"I was just done with my shift and was heading to my car."

"Do you usually leave at this time? Alone?" The Officer said it with a tone that made it seem like I shouldn't and it was a dumb thing to do. He must've seen the look on my face because he elaborated a bit. "I know the town hasn't had a killer for about two decades but..."

"Yes. I usually leave around this time. I usually walk alone to the car. Sometimes, I'm alone and leave after closing the shop or I leave Kale behind to do it when he's there," I replied, interrupting his sentence.

"Can you describe what happened with the man?"

I made sure to describe all I could remember to Officer Lawful, including the strange man I saw before the encounter with the killer. I made sure to say that I spoke with the man after as well, leaving out the weird and supernatural control of the light that came out of the man, which I would bet on to be the soul. It made sense but my brain wasn't processing it. This only seemed to happen in stories. A soul wouldn't be real. Death wouldn't be real. And everyone would think I'm nuts for seeing any of this.

Even if the man had a soul that was pulled out, it probably wouldn't be as light and glowing as it was when he pulled it out. It would be dark and cold and sour.

"Can you describe the appearance of the man you saw?"

"He was tall and he had a hood on so I couldn't see his face. His hand was gloved. His coat was black and long and overall, he gave off a dark vibe," I try to describe. I knew it wasn't helpful. I basically described anyone in this town who was capable of wearing a coat and walking around.

Officer Lawful opened his mouth as if he was about to question further but closed it again. He probably knew I had nothing more to say. He scribbled some notes and closed the notepad. He pulled out another book and passed it along to me. "Can you draw a picture?"

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