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"Sh-shimada? Are you alright?" Are the first words Genji woke up to. He had been knocked out while trying to get to the payload and had woken up in Mercy's office. "Oh, thanks Angela!" whispered Genji in pain. He was only 199/200 hp but he was like a crippled man- even with one health missing. Mercy held out her hand and said, "Heroes never die." Genji's hand slipped into hers and she helped him stand. "So- cya later!" whispered Genji in a cute way. Mercy thought about her blatantly obvious crush on Genji and smirked. If I give him what he wants- healing- there has to be something he has to give me in return. Love. She heard a knock at her door. "Mercy, there's an attack down in Germany." exclaimed Genji in a sexy voice. "You coming?" "Hell yes!" said Mercy with enthusiasm. So they went together to Germany and fought by each others side. Genji had left Mercy's side and had lost 1 hp and spammed the chat with I-NEED-HEALING and Mercy came over and healed his missing 1 hp 😂. She tugged Genji's hand and he stood. "Yeah, maybe stay with me next time if you don't want to miss a precious 1 hp" exclaimed Mercy while Genji and her giggled. When Mercy laughed, it caused Genji to blush but when Genji laughs, Mercy starts to feel better from any trouble she's had. When Genji cried (which was when he was losing 100 health), Mercy recognised straight away who's was it. She had heard the precious cry often and memorised the beautiful sound. They had been friends for 3 years now and once -as a dare- has she kissed him. He never wanted to be more than friends. Hee hee hee, I will change that sexy mind of his one day. She went back to her room and she saw a cute little gift on her dainty bed. She opened it and it had a note saying: Thank you for being an amazing friend and for healing me every 5 seconds. Love Genji xx. She opened the package and saw a bright yellow katana laying inside. She loved the katana and she put it in a glass box to keep it safe. When she woke up, she took the katana and headed for Genji's room. Knock knock. Genji opened the door and got a shock as Mercy jumped on him and hugged him. "Thank you thank you THANK YOU!!" cried Mercy. "I-it's ok Mercy" replied Genji while blushing. Mercy got off Genji and they went to battle. They fought off loads of omnics. Mercy sliced them up with her katana and she was going to use this all the time now. They went back on the ship after the omnics had all been killed and realised that Soldier had gone but then remembered he was ill. Mercy was exhausted when they got back to the watchpoint and went to her room to rest. But when she woke up, she had an unpleasant, horrifying surprise.

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